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ConnectionServicesConnect Method

Connects to a FactoryLogix xTend Integration Server.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Core
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public Guid Connect(
	string serverName,
	string userName,
	string password,
	string databaseConnection,
	string cultureName = null


Type: SystemString
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or simple computer name of the xTend integration server. For example, "xTendServer.mydomain.local" or "xTendServer"
Type: SystemString
The username of a FactoryLogix user account with "xTend API" privileges.
Type: SystemString
The password associated with xTend API user account being utilized for connection.
Type: SystemString
The name of the database connection on the xTend server that should be used for all subsequent API service calls.
cultureName (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The culture name used to determine the language used to output messages from the server to the user interface.
For a list of predefined culture names, see the National Language Support (NLS) API Reference at the Go Global Developer Center.

Return Value

Type: Guid
On successful connection, a 128-bit unique identifier (Guid) is returned which uniquely identifies this session. This "Session ID" will be passed to all subsequent API service calls to identify the caller.
NotAuthorizedExceptionThrown if the user account specified does not have the xTend API access privilege.
UserNotFoundExceptionThrown if the user account specified does not exist.
InvalidPasswordExceptionThrown if password given is not valid for the specified user account.
CannotContactServerExceptionThrown if the server specified by the serverName parameter cannot be contact.
InvalidDatabaseExceptionThrown if the database specified by the databaseConnection parameter is not known to the server.
InvalidDatabaseVersionExceptionThrown if the database specified by the databaseConnection parameter is of a schema version that is incompatible with this version of the API.
NoLicenseExceptionThrown when either there is no license to use the xTend API or a license cannot be obtained to perform a function.
See Also