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ProductDesignServices Methods

The ProductDesignServices type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDesignFileContent
Retrieves the raw file content for a single generic design file.
Public methodGetDesignFiles
Retrieves a list file information regarding the generic (non-ECAD) design files of the specified assembly revision (as designated by the partId parameter). The returned list does not contain the content of the files, which may be acquired subsequently using the GetDesignFileContent method.
Public methodGetECAD
Retrieves a PCBPanel object representing the design of the specified printed circuit card assembly (designated by the partId parameter).
Public methodImportDesignFiles
Imports one of more CAD design files into the system against the specified assembly revision (as designated by the partId parameter). If a file in the dataFiles list is of a supported format that is automatically recognizeable as a PCB design file (ECAD), it will be automatically interpreted by the system, replacing any existing data. Otherwise, the file will be added to the list of generic design files for the assembly, replacing any existing design files with the same filename.
See Also