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ReportingServices Methods

The ReportingServices type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDataTemplate
Retrieves a DataMiner DataTemplate given its display name.
Public methodRunChart
Executes and retrieves a Chart that is contained within the specified DataMiner template.
Public methodRunDataSource
Executes and retrieves the tabular results for a specific DataSource within the specified DataMiner template.
Public methodRunDataTemplate
Executes and retrieves the tabular results for the specified DataMiner template. If more than one DataSource is included in the DataTemplate, The resultant DataSet will include multiple DataTables, one for each DataSource.
Public methodRunReport
Executes and retrieves a formatted report file for a Report that is contained within the specified DataMiner template.
Public methodRunUserDefinedSQL
Executes and retrieves the tabular results for the user defined sql.
See Also