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Step Class

Represents a single step (collection of activities) within the instructions of a particular operation.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public class Step : StepBase

The Step type exposes the following members.

Public methodStep
Initializes a new instance of the Step class
Public propertyActivities
A list of the activities associated to this Step.
Public propertyApplyAcknowledgementType
An enumerated value indicating which activities of this step shall users be required to acknowledge completion.
Public propertyApplyActivityApprovalType
An enumerated value indicating which activities of this step the designated approval process will be applied to.
Public propertyFrequency
A flagged enumeration representing how often this step should be performed by operators.
Public propertyFrequencyValue
A string based representation of how often this step shoudl be performed. The actual content of this property is dependent on the nature of the Frequency enumerated property.
Public propertyIsAnyOrder
A boolean value which, when true, indicates that the activities of this step may be performed by the operator in any sequence. When false, operators must perform the activities in the order indicated by their Sequence property.
Public propertyIsAutomated
A boolean value which, when true, indicates that the activities of this step were automatically generated / calculated by the system.
Public propertyRequiresCredentials
A boolean value which, when true, indicates that the operators performing this step will be required to re-enter their user credentials before completing the step. This is required in certain types of specialized manufacturing environtments. (CFR Part 11 regulated medical device manufacturing, for example).
Public propertyRequiresProductScan
A boolean value which, when true, indicates that the operators performing this step will be required to re-scan the barcodeof the unit before completing the step.
Public propertyStepType
A flagged, enumerated value indicating the FactoryLogix step type for this particular step.
See Also