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FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects Namespace

The FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects namespace contains all classes that collectively represent the overall data model of the xTend API. These classes are used by service methods througout the xTend API.
Public classActivity
Represents a single activity that operators perform at a particular operation.
Public classActivityFile
Represents a file that was uploaded or linked to an Activity.
Public classActivityResult
Represents the results of performing work on an activity and updating its state.
Public classApprovalAction
An object representing a historical record of an action taken by an individual user against a step in an approval process. This might be an approval, a rejection, etc..
Public classApprovalItem
An object representing the approval process that a particular item must undergo before it may be utilized in production (process/product definition items, such as CAD, BOM , Process Flows, etc.). May also represent an approval processes that must be completed for other item types, such as production batches or activity completed of individual production units.
Public classApprovalStep
An object representing a single signoff step within an approval process.
Public classArea
Represents a physical or logical region a factory that contains resources such as stocks, production lines, etc.
Public classBatch
An object representing a production directive to the factory floor. Most commonly, Batch objects are used to represent work orders (also known as production orders, manufacturing orders, etc.). In some environments, a single ERP work order is split into several smaller "batches". In this situation, a FactoryLogix Batch represents the indiviudal batches and are many to one with ERP work orders. In other environments where ERP batches are not used, a FactoryLogix Batch is one to one with ERP work orders. FactoryLogix Batches may also represent other types of factory directives, such as directive to receive, inspect, and process raw materials into the factory (represented by a Goods Receipt Note or GRN).
Public classBatchProcessFlowResult
Represents the results of an Item (production unit or material) request for current Batch and ProcessFlow. This request is typically made prior to "starting" a unit or material at an operation to provide information about the Batch and ProcessFlows related to the current Item.
Public classBatchSearchCriteria
An object that represents a search parameter that is passed to a method that performs searches on Batch objects.
Public classBatchSortDirective
A object which represents the how Batch related search results should be sorted. Two or more BatchSortDirective objects may be strung together to form multi-level sort directives.
Public classBOM
Represents a Bill of Materials (BOM), which is a list of the parts necessary to build a particular assembly.
Public classBOMIssue
Represents a single issue that was detected while validating a Bill of Materials (BOM).
Public classBOMLineItem
Represents a single line item or part that is referenced by a Bill of Materials (BOM)
Public classBOMOperationResults
Represents the result of a Bill of Materials (BOM) validation or import operation, potentially including a list of the issues that were encountered.
Public classCertification
Represents a certified skill or capability that may be assigned to an individual FactoryLogix user account.
Public classCharacteristicValue
An object representing a value used in specification management for the characteristic of product or equipment.
Public classChart
Represents a graphical chart that has been configured as part of a DataSource contained within a DataTemplate.
Public classCheckoutResult
Represents the results of a checkout operation.
Public classClusteredWorkstation
Represents cluster of Workstations where work is performed in parrallel. Each Workstation in the cluster perform identical work, facilitating higher throughput rates via parallelism.
Public classColdStorage
Represents a location in the factory for materials requiring refridgeration.
Public classCondition
Represents a condition that is evaluated during start or finish tracking operations.
Public classCustomer
Represents one of the factory's customers. Typcially used in contract manufacturing environments where a factory builds products for many different companies. May also be used in OEM environments to represent different departments or programs services by this factory.
Public classCustomerPart
Represents a part as it is known by one of the factory's customers. Typcially, factories establish a singular, common part numbering system that consolidates all parts used at the factory. The customers serviced by the factory often have their own, unique part numbering system which is independent of the system used by the factory.
Public classDataSource
Represents an individual data generator (source) contained with a DataTemplate.
Public classDataTemplate
Represents a DataMiner Template that has been created in FactoryLogix
Public classDateTimeMeasurement
A specific type of Measurement used to record a date/time value against an Item.
Public classDateTimePartAttributeValue
Represents a date time property of a part. Attributes are user defined items that are generally used to define the specifications for a particular part (length, width, weight, color, etc.). This class can be used specifically to define a date time attribute allowing for specifying validations. For example: validate the user has set a date time that is greater than today or equal to a specific date.
Public classDateTimeRangeMeasurement
A specific type of Measurement used to record a date/time range against an Item.
Public classDefect
Represents a single instance of a problem that was discovered on an Item (production unit or received material), typically during inspection.
Public classExitPathway
Represents an abnormal exit pathway that Items may follow when they complete and exit from an Operation.
Public classFactory
Represents a single physical factory or site where work is performed. Factories may be further broken down into Areas, and contain resources such as production lines, stocks, etc..
Public classFileContent
Represents the content (data) of a file that was uploaded or linked to FactoryLogix.
Public classFileItem
Represents a file that was uploaded or linked to FactoryLogix. The file may be related to a number of different things within FactoryLogix, such as an operator work instruction, CAD design data, production specifications, etc.
Public classFileMeasurement
A specific type of Measurement used to record and attach a data file (such a a photograph, a form, etc) to an Item.
Public classFinishResult
Represents the results of a "finish" type tracking operation.
Public classHistoricalRelationship
An object that represents a previous (historical) genealogical relationship that once existed between two Items.
Public classInitializationItem
An object used to define a material Item to create (initialize) and associate to a Batch (GRN).
Public classInternalPart
Represents an internal part definition for a particular part (and possibly a particular revision of a particular part).
Public classItem
Represents a single item of a something that is tracked by FactoryLogix throughout the factory. The item is assigned a UID (Unique Identfier) which is used to uniquely identify that single item. The item itself may represent a part, a container of parts, a single production unit that was built by the factory, a container of production units that were built by the factory, a batch of production units, a tool, a box, a carton, a palette, a container, or anything else that must be uniquely identified by a UID. Regardless of its classification, the item will always be associated with a known internal part number (IPN), and will be assigned a quantity. The quantity may simply be ONE (1) for many types, such as serialized production units, boxes, carriers, etc.. In general, Item objects are used to track raw material inventory, production batches and units, tools, and other items within the factory.
Public classItemSearchCriteria
An object that represents a search parameter that is passed to a method that performs searches on Item objects.
Public classItemSortDirective
A object which represents the how Item related search results should be sorted. Two or more ItemSortDirective objects may be strung together to form multi-level sort directives.
Public classLine
Represents a production line, comprised of multiple Workstations or ClusteredWorkstations arranged in a sequential format where production proceeds from one Workstation to the next.
Public classManufacturer
Represents a manufacturer who makes or builds raw materials, parts, or sub-assemblies that are used by this factory.
Public classManufacturerPart
Represents a part as it is known by the original manufacturer of the part. Typcially, factories establish a singular, common part numbering system that consolidates all parts used at the factory. The manufacturers who produce the parts often have their own, unique part numbering system which is independent of the system used by the factory.
Public classMeasurement
Represents a single result from a test that was performed on a production unit or material (Item). This is an abstract class, and should not be used directly. There are several types of measurements that can be recorded, which are defined by classes derived from Measurement.
Public classNextOperationResult
Represents information about where a particular unit or material (Item) is expected to be processed next.
Public classNumericMeasurement
A specific type of Measurement used to record a numeric value against an Item.
Public classNumericRangeMeasurement
A specific type of Measurement used to record a range of numeric value against an Item.
Public classOperation
Represents a single major process sequence within the process flow of a process definition.
Public classOperationBase
An abstract base class used by the Operation and OperationGroup classes.
Public classOperationGroup
Represents a collection of related operations within the process flow of a process definition.
Public classOrderLineItem
An object representing single part line item on a material purchase order. In FactoryLogix, material purchase orders are represented by WorkOrder objects where the WorkOrderType is of type ReceivingOrder.
Public classPackingList
Represents a list of parts and materials that are to be packed into containers for shipping, storage, or any other purpose.
Public classPackingListItem
Represents aingle part or material that is to be packed into a container for shipping, storage, or any other purpose.
Public classPagedSearchResultsT
A generic object which represents one "page" of result data as returned by various xTend methods which return paged result sets.
Public classParameter
Represents a parameter (filter) that may be set when running a DataSource within a DataMiner DataTemplate
Public classParameterValue
Represents the value of a Parameter that is passed during the execution of a DataMiner DataTemplate and/or DataSource.
Public classPartAssignment
Represents a single activity that operators perform at a particular operation.
Public classPartAttribute
Represents a property of a part. Attributes are user defined items that are generally used to define the specifications for a particular part (length, width, weight, color, etc.).
Public classPartAttributeValue
Represents a property of a part. Attributes are user defined items that are generally used to define the specifications for a particular part (length, width, weight, color, etc.).
Public classPartBase
An abstract base class used by different part related objects.
Public classPCBCircuit
Represents a single instance of a particular circuit imprinted into a printed circuit board (PCB) panel.
Public classPCBCircuitItem
A specific type of Item representing a specific circuit on a specific printed circuit board (PCB) panel.
Public classPCBFeature
Represents a single feature, or electronic component contined within a particular circuit of the panel.
Public classPCBFiducial
Represents a specific type of feature on a PCB, known as a fiducial. Fiducials are reference marks printed on to the circuit card that are used by robotic machine vision systems to better locate the PCB or specific features on the PCB.
Public classPCBPanel
Represents the design of a printed circuit board (PCB). A PCB panel may be comprised of one or more circuits, which in turn are comprised of electronic components.
Public classPCBPanelItem
A specific type of Item representing a specific instance of a panelized printed circuit board (PCB) panel, comprised of multiple circuits in a matrix configuration.
Public classPermission
Represents an individual access right or permission that may be associated to a security Role.
Public classPickedItem
Represents an item that was picked by an operator during a picking or kitting operation.
Public classPickingList
An object representing a list of materials that are required to be gathered (picked) from stock. Typically, this list represents materials that are to be used on the factory floor for production. However, there may be other purposes, such as gathering finished goods from stock for shipping.
Public classPickingListItem
An object representing a single material that must be gathered (picked) from stock.
Public classProcess
Represents a Process, which describes how to build a particular assembly.
Public classProcessFlow
Represents a Bill of Materials (BOM), which is a list of the parts necessary to build a particular assembly.
Public classReceivedMaterial
An object representing material that was received into the factory.
Public classRecordedMaterial
A class representing a particular material to be recorded against the traceability record of an Item.
Public classReplacementItem
An object representing a potential replacement for an item on a TransportOrder that cannot be located by the operator.
Public classReport
Represents a printable report that has been configured as part of a DataSource contained within a DataTemplate.
Public classRequiredSetup
Represents a list of materials and/or tools that must be loaded on a Workstation before production for a particular Operation may commence. This is also known as a "Bill of Process" or "BOP" for short.
Public classRequiredSetupItem
Represents a single material or tool that must be loaded on a Workstation before production for a particular Operation may commence.
Public classResourceBase
An abstract base class whose descendant classes represent physical resources or assets that exist within a factory, such as workstations, production lines, stock areas, etc.
Public classRole
Represents a group of FactoryLogix User Accounts.
Public classSetupLocation
Represents a particular location on a Workstation where material or tools might be loaded (Items).
Public classSpecificationCollection
Public classSpecificationDocumentContent
Represents the specification document content (data) of a file that was uploaded or linked to FactoryLogix.
Public classSpecificationDocumentItem
Represents information for a specification document that uploaded or linked to FactoryLogix.
Public classSpecificationInternalPart
Public classStartResult
Represents the results of a "start" type tracking operation.
Public classStartValidationResult
Represents the results of an Item (production unit or material) validation request. This validation request is typically made prior to "starting" a unit or material at an operation to ensure that the unit is allowed to be at the operation, that the station is setup properly, and the operator is qualified to work on the Item.
Public classStationSetup
Represents the materials or tools that are currently loaded on a particular Workstation.
Public classStationSetupItem
Represents a single SetupLocation on a particular Workstation, and the material or tool that is currently loaded into that location. The ActualItem and RequiredItem properties may be null if there is nothing loaded and / or required for the location.
Public classStep
Represents a single step (collection of activities) within the instructions of a particular operation.
Public classStepBase
An abstract base class used by the Operation and OperationGroup classes.
Public classStock
Represents a location in the factory where materials, production units, or other Items are stored.
Public classStockedPartAssignment
Represents a part assignment within a singular stock location, including the minimum and maximum levels of the part within that location.
Public classStockLocation
Represents a singular location within a Stock where materials, production units, or other Items are stored. The stock location has a text-based unique identifier (UID) that may be scanned using a barcode scanner to identify it throughout the factory.
Public classSubAssemblyLoadResult
Represents the results of a sub-assembly load operation.
Public classSymptom
Represents a test failure that was discovered while testing a production unit or material (Item). A symptom does not represent the root cause of a problem. It may be that a single root cause (Defect) is responsible for multiple test failures.
Public classTemperingOven
Represents a location in the factory where moisture sensitive materials are reconditioned via low temperature "baking" or tempering.
Public classTextMeasurement
A specific type of Measurement used to record a text-based value against an Item.
Public classTrackedDataItem
An abstract base class whose descendants represent data that is tracked against production units, batches, and materials on the shop floor.
Public classTrackingActivity
Represents the state of a single activity for a particular transaction.
Public classTrackingItem
Represents a unit or material that is started at an operation (currently in a transaction).
Public classTrackingOperation
Represents a the state of a single major process sequence within the process flow of a process definition, for a particular transaction.
Public classTrackingResult
Represents the results of a movement-only tracking operation (start and finish bundled into one operation).
Public classTrackingStep
Represents a the state of a single step (collection of activities) for a particular transaction.
Public classTransportOrder
Represents a list of specific materials (Items) that are to be picked and transported to a specific destination (typically on the factory floor).
Public classTransportOrderItem
Represents a single Item on a TransportOrder to be picked and transported to the production floor (or other destination).
Public classTransportOrderSearchCriteria
An object that represents a search parameter that is passed to a method that performs searches on TransportOrder objects.
Public classTransportOrderSortDirective
A object which represents the how TransportOrder related search results should be sorted. Two or more TransportOrderSortDirective objects may be strung together to form multi-level sort directives.
Public classUser
Represents a single FactoryLogix User Account.
Public classUserBase
An abstract base class used by user account related data objects.
Public classUserGroup
Represents a group of FactoryLogix User Accounts.
Public classVendor
Represents a supplier (vendor) from whom the factory purchases or otherwise acquires raw materials, parts, or sub-assemblies that are used by this factory. A vendor typically does not manufacture these raw materials or parts, but instead resells materials purchased from a variety of different manufacturers.
Public classVendorPart
Represents a part as it is known by one of the factory's vendors. Typcially, factories establish a singular, common part numbering system that consolidates all parts used at the factory. The vendors who supply the factory often have their own, unique part numbering system which is independent of the system used by the factory.
Public classWorkOrder
An object representing a directive to perform work on the factory floor. Most commonly, Batch objects are used to represent work orders (also known as production orders, manufacturing orders, etc.). In some environments, a single ERP work order is split into several smaller "batches". In this situation, a FactoryLogix Batch represents the indiviudal batches and are many to one with ERP work orders. In this situation, a WorkOrder is used to link the individual Batches together into a single work order.
Public classWorkstation
Represents a specific location within the factory where work is performed. This may be a location where one or more humans perform work, or it may represent a piece of automated (robotic) equipment.
Public enumerationActivityResultCode
An enumeration describing the results of a method which changed the state of an activity.
Public enumerationActivityStatus
An enumeration describing the completion status of an activity.
Public enumerationAltIPNStrategy
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AltIPNStrategy system setting.
Public enumerationAMLStrategy
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AMLStrategy system setting.
Public enumerationApplyAcknowledgementType
An enumerated value indicating which activities of a step shall users be required to acknowledge completion.
Public enumerationApplyActivityApprovalType
An enumerated value indicating which activities of a step the designated approval process will be applied to.
Public enumerationApprovalItemType
An enumeration indicating the type of item that is associated with a particular approval item.
Public enumerationApprovalStatus
An enumeration indicating the current status of an approval item.
Public enumerationAssemblyKind
An enumerated value used in part searches to indicate whether or not the search should be limited only to complex internal parts marked as "assemblies" within the system.
Public enumerationAuthType
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.Legacy_Version7Authenication system setting.
Public enumerationAVLStrategy
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AVLStrategy system setting.
Public enumerationBatchFieldNames
An enumeration describing the fields that may be searched for or sorted by during Batch related searches
Public enumerationBatchOperationSwitchingEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ShopFloor_AllowAutoBatchSwitch and SystemSettings.ShopFloor_AllowAutoOperationSwitch system settings.
Public enumerationBatchPriority
An enumeration indicating the priority or relative importance of a batch as compared to other batches.
Public enumerationBatchQuantityVerification
An enumeration indicating the type of quanity verification to be performed for a Batch.
Public enumerationBatchStatus
An enumeration representing the status of a Batch.
Public enumerationBatchType
An enumeration representing the type or kind of a Batch.
Public enumerationBOMComparison_Part
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_Comparison_Part system setting.
Public enumerationBOMComparison_Reference
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_Comparison_Reference system setting.
Public enumerationBOMIssueSeverity
An enumerated value which describes how a particular BOM validation issue is to be treated. Issues that are treated as errors prevent BOM publication, whereas warning type issues do not.
Public enumerationBOMIssueType
An enumerated value which describes all possible BOM validation problems.
Public enumerationBOMItemPartTypeEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_TreatPartNumbersAsElectricalbyDefault system setting.
Public enumerationBOMOperationResultCode
An enumerated value indicating the overall result of the BOM operation.
Public enumerationChartFormat
An enumeration describing the supported output file formats for charts.
Public enumerationCheckoutResultType
An enumeration describing the overall success or failure of a checkout operation.
Public enumerationCompletedStatus
An enumeration indicating whether or not a production unit (represented by an Item) has completed through all operations of its most recent active process.
Public enumerationComponentType
An enumeration describing the electical type of an electronic component.
Public enumerationDateTimeCollectionFormatEnum
Public enumerationDateTimeCollectionRangeLimitEnum
Public enumerationDateTimeCollectionTimeFormatEnum
Public enumerationDefectLayer
A constant representing the side of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that a Defect is associated to (if applicable).
Public enumerationDefectStatus
An enumeration representing the status of a Defect.
Public enumerationDisplayUnits
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ECADManagement_DisplayUnits system setting.
Public enumerationEmailSendAddressFrom
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.General_SendEmailFrom system setting.
Public enumerationEnforceRouting
An enumeration indicating how route-enforcement should be handled.
Public enumerationErrorCheckingOptions
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_MissingLineItem, SystemSettings.BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_DuplicateLineItems, SystemSettings.BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_Manufacturer, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_MPN, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_Vendor, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_VPN, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_Customer, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_CPN, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_References, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_DuplicateReferences, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_MismatchedReferencesToQuantity, BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_GenericPartBOMLineItemMissingReference and ProcessPlanning_enforceQuantityOnActivityAssignments system settings.
Public enumerationFactoryResourceType
A flagged enumeration indicating the types of kinds of factory resources.
Public enumerationFeatureType
A flagged enumeration representing a type of feature.
Public enumerationFiducialType
An enumeration describing the type of item that is associated with a particular fiducial.
Public enumerationFinishResultCode
An enumeration describing the results of a finish operation method.
Public enumerationFrequency
A flagged enumeration representing how often a process step, activity, condition, or action should be performed by operators.
Public enumerationGerberConsolidateMode
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ECADManagement_GerberConsolidationMode system setting.
Public enumerationGRNCreationTypeEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.Logistics_GRNCreation system setting.
Public enumerationHandling
An enumeration used by legacy diplan system to describe the handling for this part.
Public enumerationInStockCultureTypeEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.Logistics_InStock_SelectedCulture system setting.
Public enumerationItemClassification
An enumeration describing the type or kind of an Item.
Public enumerationItemSearchFieldNames
An enumeration describing the fields that may be searched for during Item related searched.
Public enumerationItemSortFieldNames
An enumeration indicating how Item related search results should be sorted.
Public enumerationItemStatus
An enumeration indicating the current status of an Item.
Public enumerationMaterialRequisitionMode
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_MaterialRequisitionMode system setting.
Public enumerationMeasurementStatus
An enumeration describing whether or not a Measurement falls within acceptable tolerances.
Public enumerationMeasurementType
An enumeration describing the generalized category of a measurement.
Public enumerationMountSide
An enumeration representing the sides of a PCB to which electronic and mechanical components are mounted.
Public enumerationMountTechnologyType
An enumerated value indicating mounting technology for electronic parts (SMT, Through-Hole, etc.).
Public enumerationNotificationIcons
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ShopFloor_InfoIcon, SystemSettings.ShopFloor_WarningIcon, SystemSettings.ShopFloor_AlertIcon and SystemSettings.ShopFloor_MessageIcon system settings.
Public enumerationOperationGroupModeType
An enumeration representing how the operations refernces by the group should be executed.
Public enumerationOperationLocatorMode
An enumerated value indicated how this operation is to be located by xLink machine integrations linked to specific factory resources.
Public enumerationOperationTrackingType
An enumerated value indicating how units are tracked through a particular operation.
Public enumerationPackingItemValidationMode
An enumeration indicating how complex assemblies built using FactoryLogix should be validated during packing operations.
Public enumerationPackingItemVerificationMode
An enumeration indicating how operators should confirm that an item on a PackingList has been packed.
Public enumerationParameterType
An enumeration indicating the data type of a Parameter exposed by a DataSource.
Public enumerationPartAttributeDateLimit
An enumeration that describes how to compare a date time attribute value.
Public enumerationPartAttributeType
An enumeration that describes the data type for a given part attribute.
Public enumerationPartAttributeValidateDateType
An enumeration that describes a date or date range to validate the input against when using a date time atribute value.
Public enumerationPartKind
A flagged, enumerated value used in part related methods to indicate which kind of part(s) shall be considered, returned, or otherwise utilized by the method.
Public enumerationPartMasterBOMPublishingSyncEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.BOMManagement_PublishingSync__PartMaster_IPNRelationships, BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_MPN, BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_VPN, BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_CPN and BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_IPN system settings.
Public enumerationPartSearchType
A flagged enumeration used by some Find methods that indiciates the types of parts to search for based on the specified part number.
Public enumerationPartType
An enumerated value indicating the general category for a particular part.
Public enumerationPickListStrategy
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_PickListStrategy system setting.
Public enumerationProcessActivityCompletionAcknowledgementType
An enumeration representing how operators acknowledge the completion of a particular step or activity.
Public enumerationProcessActivityType
An enumeration indicating the type of an activity.
Public enumerationProcessFlowType
An enumerated value indicating the type of a particular process flow.
Public enumerationProcessProductionStatus
An enumeration indicating a process's approval status, and overall readiness to be used in production.
Public enumerationProcessStepType
A flagged enumeration indicating the nature of the work that is done at a particular step within an operation.
Public enumerationProcessTrackingMode
An enumeration indicating different ways that units produced by process may be tracked during production.
Public enumerationProcessType
An enumeration indicating the purpose of a particular process definition.
Public enumerationProductionPlanningStatus
An enumeration indicating the current status of a Batch with regards to material planning.
Public enumerationQuantityValidation
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_QuantityValidation system setting.
Public enumerationQueryTimeoutType
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.GeneralReportQueryTimeoutSettings_QueryTimeoutType system setting.
Public enumerationReadyForProductionUpdateStrategyEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProcessPlanning_ReadyForProductionUpdateStrategy system setting.
Public enumerationRelationshipType
An enumeration indicating the type or kind of relationship that exists or once existed between two Items.
Public enumerationReleaseStatus
An enumeration used by legacy diplan system to describe the overall status for this part.
Public enumerationRemoveMaterialsModeEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProcessPlanning_RemoveMaterialsMode system setting.
Public enumerationReplacementPartType
A enumeration representing the type of kind of a ReplacementItem.
Public enumerationReportFormat
An enumeration describing the supported output file formats for reports.
Public enumerationReservationRecalculation
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_ReservationRecalculation system setting.
Public enumerationReservationStrategy
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_ReservationStrategy system setting.
Public enumerationReservationType
An enumeration representing the type or kind of reservation that a given part number will utilize.
Public enumerationRevisionKind
An enumerated value used in part searches to determine which revisions should be returned by the search if more than one revision exists for a given part.
Public enumerationRevisionMode
An enumerated value indicating the revisions of the specified part that are permissable to use during production for the assembly associated with this particular Bill of Materials (BOM).
Public enumerationSortMode
An enumeration used by searches to indicate whether the results should be sorted in ascending order or in descending order.
Public enumerationSourceType
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ShopFloor_InfoSounds, SystemSettings.ShopFloor_WarningSounds, SystemSettings.ShopFloor_ErrorSounds, SystemSettings.ShopFloor_AlertSounds, SystemSettings.ShopFloor_MessageSounds and SystemSettings.ShopFloor_InfoSoundWAV system settings.
Public enumerationSpecificationOperandType
An enumeration describing the type of operand used for value limits.
Public enumerationSpecificationType
An enumeration describing the data type of the specification.
Public enumerationStartResultCode
An enumeration describing the results of a start operation method.
Public enumerationStartValidationResultCode
An enumeration describing the detailed results of an Item validation.
Public enumerationSubAssemblyLoadResultDetail
An enumeration indicating the detailed result of a sub-assembly related operation.
Public enumerationSubAssemblyLoadVerifications
An enumeration describing the verification checks that may be performed when loading a sub-assembly into a parent assembly.
Public enumerationSubAssemblyType
An enumerated value indicating how a subassembly is to be built: in a separate process or as part its parent assembly's process. This value does not apply to a line item which is not identified as an assembly.
Public enumerationSuggestStockEnum
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.Logistics_GRNCreation system setting.
Public enumerationSymptomStatus
An enumeration representing the status of a Symptom.
Public enumerationSystemSettings
An enumerated type representing all FactoryLogix System Settings. This list will expand over time, but the enumerated values will never change for backwards and forwards compatibility.
Public enumerationTrackedDataItemFilter
Used by methods that retrieve TrackedDataItems to filter the results.
Public enumerationTrackingResultType
An enumeration describing the overall success or failure of a tracking operation.
Public enumerationTransactionStatus
An enumeration representing the status that was assigned to the unit during the most recent tracking transaction.
Public enumerationTransportOrderDeliveryStatus
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_TOrderDeliveryStatus system setting.
Public enumerationTransportOrderExecutionDurationType
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_TOrderExecutionDurationUnits system setting.
Public enumerationTransportOrderExecutionType
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProductionPlanning_TOrderExecutionType system setting.
Public enumerationTransportOrderFieldNames
An enumeration describing the fields that may be searched for during TransportOrder related searches
Public enumerationTransportOrderItemStatus
An enumeration indicating the current status of a particular item on a TransportOrder.
Public enumerationTransportOrderPriority
An enumeration indicating the current priority for a TransportOrder
Public enumerationTransportOrderSortFieldNames
An enumeration describing the fields that may be sorted by during TransportOrder related searches
Public enumerationTransportOrderStatus
An enumeration indicating the current status or condition of a TransportOrder.
Public enumerationTransportOrderType
An enumeration indicating the type of kind of a TransportOrder.
Public enumerationUnitofMeasureWeight
An enumerated type representing the default value for the SystemSettings.ProcessPlanningPartLibrary_UnitofMeasureWeight system setting.
Public enumerationValueOverrideType
Enumeration to determine if a Characteristic or Specification was overriden or inherited
Public enumerationWorkOrderStatus
A enumeration indicating the status of a WorkOrder
Public enumerationWorkOrderType
An enumeration representing the type or kind of a WorkOrder.