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KittingServices Class

Provides services which allow API consumers to access and manage picking lists and transport orders, and perform kitting operations.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Logistics
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public class KittingServices : xTendServicesBase

The KittingServices type exposes the following members.

Public methodKittingServices
Initializes a new instance of the KittingServices class
Public methodCheckOutTransportOrder
Performs a checkout on the selected TransportOrder./>
Public methodFindSubstituteItem
Searches the system for a list of valid replacement Items for a single TransportOrderItem. This operation is used when the reserved Item cannot be found by the operator, and a replacement is necessary. ///
Public methodFindTransportOrders
Searches the system for TransportOrders matching the specified search criteria.
Public methodGetBatchPickingList
Retrieves the current PickingList associated with the specified Batch, as identified by its Id property.
Public methodGetPickedItems
Retrieves the items that were actually picked for a given Batch and optionally the given Kit Group.
Public methodGetTransportOrder
Retrieves a single TransportOrder based on its Order Number (text-based unique identifier). Every child TransportOrderItem related to the TransportOrder is included.
Public methodPickItem
Executes the picking operation for single TransportOrderItem, specifying the Item that was picked. The UID of the Item must match the reserved item associated with TransportOrderItem.
Public methodPickItemByQuantity
Executes the picking operation for single TransportOrderItem, specifying the Item that was picked, along with the quantity picked. A new "split" UID will be created by this operation represent the quantity picked. The UID of the Item must match the reserved item associated with TransportOrderItem.
Public methodPickItemByQuantityEx
Executes the picking operation for single TransportOrderItem, specifying the Item that was picked, along with the quantity picked. A new "split" UID will be created by this operation represent the quantity picked. The UID of the Item must match the reserved item associated with TransportOrderItem.
Public methodRemoveTransportOrderCheckout
Removes the current user's checkout of the selected TransportOrder./>
Public methodReserveMaterials
Imports a generic PickingList, then reserves the materials. Generic PickingLists are not associated with production Batches. They are used handle other kinds of situations where materials must be reserved and picked, such as gathering completed units for shipping. Once materials are reserved, TransportOrders will be automatically generated by the system for the reserved materials.
Public methodReserveMaterialsForBatch
Reserves materials for the specified Batch based on its current picking list. If a picking list does not presently exist for the specified Batch, the system will attempt to generate one automatically based upon the Process and BOM that is associated to the Batch. Once materials are reserved, TransportOrders will be automatically generated by the system for the reserved materials.
Public methodReserveMaterialsForBatchGroup
Reserves a single set of materials for the specified Batches based on their current picking lists. If a picking list does not presently exist for one or more of the Batches, the system will attempt to generate them automatically based upon their Process and BOM. Once materials are reserved, TransportOrders will be automatically generated by the system for the reserved materials. The system generates a single set of reservations and TransportOrders for ALL batches, NOT one set for each Batch.
Public methodReserveMaterialsForBatchWithPickingList
Imports the specified PickingList to the specified Batch then reserves the materials. Once materials are reserved, TransportOrders will be automatically generated by the system for the reserved materials.
Public methodReserveMaterialsWithReasonCode
Imports a generic PickingList, then reserves the materials. Generic PickingLists are not associated with production Batches. They are used handle other kinds of situations where materials must be reserved and picked, such as gathering completed units for shipping. Once materials are reserved, TransportOrders will be automatically generated by the system for the reserved materials.
Public methodSetBatchPickingList
Sets the current PickingList for the specified Batch. This method does NOT automatically reserve materials or generate transport orders.
Public methodShortItem
Marks a single TransportOrderItem as "shorted", meaning that there are no parts available to be picked for the item, and the material requirement will need to be fulfilled at a later time. ///
Public methodSwapItem
Picks a ReplacementItem as a substitute for the reserved Item.
Public methodUnpickItem
Rolls back any previous picking operations for a single TransportOrderItem.
See Also