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Process Class

Represents a Process, which describes how to build a particular assembly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public class Process

The Process type exposes the following members.

Public methodProcess
Initializes a new instance of the Process class
Public propertyAssemblyOpportunityCount
For DPMO calculations (Defects per Million Opportunities), the number of opportunities that should be considered for each individiual procuction unit.
Public propertyComponentOpportunityCount
For DPMO calculations (Defects per Million Opportunities), the number of additional opportunities that should be considered for each individiual electronic component of this assembly.
Public propertyConnectionOpportunities
For DPMO calculations (Defects per Million Opportunities), the number of additional opportunities that should be considered for each individiual connection of each individual electronic component of this assembly.
Public propertyCurrentVersion
Indicates that this process revision is the current revision used by new production batches created against the revision chain of this process definition.
Public propertyCustomFieldValues
A list of any custom fields values that have been defined for this process.
Public propertyDescription
A human readable summary of the nature of this process definition.
Public propertyId
A unique identifier for this particular Process definition (corresponds to the primary key in the FactoryLogix database)
Public propertyLatestVersion
When true, indicates that this particular process revision should be the default revision used by new production batches created against the revision chain of this process definition. Production batches for other approved process revisions may still be created, but this revision will be the default revision that should be used for new production batches.
Public propertyLimitProduction
When true, Production shall be limited to a maximum quantity of units, a maximum number of Batches, or both.
Public propertyMaxBatches
When Production is limited, the maximum number of Production Batches that may exist for this Process.
Public propertyMaxQuantity
When Production is limited, the maximum total quantity of all Production Batches that may exist for this Process.
Public propertyName
For certain types of processes, such as Receiving Processes, a human identifiable label or name for the process.
Public propertyOtherOpportunities
For DPMO calculations (Defects per Million Opportunities), the number of additional opportunities that should be considered for each individiual production unit of this assembly.
Public propertyOutOfRouteFlows
A list of the "Out-Of-Route" process flows associated to this Process.
Public propertyOutOfRouteOperations
A list of the "Out-Of-Route" operations associated to this Process.
Public propertyPolarizedOpportunity
For DPMO calculations (Defects per Million Opportunities), the number of additional opportunities that should be considered for each individiual polarized electronic component of this assembly.
Public propertyPrimaryProcessFlow
A ProcessFlow object representing the standard route through which production units travel in the course of their assembly.
Public propertyProcessType
An enumerated value indicating the purpose of this particular process definition.
Public propertyProductionStatus
An enumerated value indicating this process definitions approval status, and overall readiness to be used in production.
Public propertyRevision
The revision of this particular process within its revision chain.
Public propertyRouteEnforcementMode
An enumerated value indicating whether or not operators will be forced to process production units through operations in the sequence that is defined by the process definition.
Public propertySequence
The display sequence number for this process revision within its revision chain (different revisions of the same process).
Public propertyTrackingMode
An enumerated value indicating how units produced by this process are tracked during production.
See Also