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StationSetupServicesGetCurrentSetupWithRequirements Method

Retrieves the current setup for a particular Workstation, including the required setup for each item, based on the specified Operation, and an optional Batch. The RequiredItem property will be populated for any StationSetupItems with a setup requirement.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Production
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public StationSetup GetCurrentSetupWithRequirements(
	Guid sessionId,
	Guid operationId,
	Guid workstationId,
	Nullable<Guid> batchId


Type: SystemGuid
The session identifier that was returned by the Connect(String, String, String, String, String) method.
Type: SystemGuid
The Id of the realted Operation.
Type: SystemGuid
The Id of the related Workstation.
Type: SystemNullableGuid
An optional Id of the related Batch. This is only necessary for Configure To Order (CTO) type production, where the required setup might vary based on configured options.

Return Value

Type: StationSetup
A StationSetup object containing the current setup for the Operation / Workstation. The RequiredItem property will be populated on any StationSetupItems with a setup requirement.
InvalidSessionExceptionThrown if the sessionId parameter is invalid.
OperationNotFoundExceptionThrown if the operationId parameter is invalid.
ResourceNotFoundExceptionThrown if the workstationId parameter is invalid.
BatchNotFoundExceptionThrown if the batchId property is not null and is invalid.
See Also