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TrackingServices Class

Provides services which allow API consumers to access, create, and manage production and receiving Batches.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Production
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public class TrackingServices : xTendServicesBase

The TrackingServices type exposes the following members.

Public methodTrackingServices
Initializes a new instance of the TrackingServices class
Public methodAbortOperation
Aborts a tracking transaction that is in progress (started but not yet finished). The transaction may not be aborted if there have been any symptoms, defects, or data collected during processing.
Public methodAddAliasUID
Adds an "alias" UID to an existing Item. Aliases are alternate identities that may be used throughout the factory to identify the Item in addition to its primary UID.
Public methodChangeActivityStatus
Changes the status of the activity to either complete or incomplete.
Public methodChangeBatch
Allows a ChangeBatch for a serialized unit the same as if the task were performed manually in the Change Product feature in the Production Portal.
Public methodFinishOperation
Completes an open tracking transaction. Any exit conditions will be evaluated and exit actions performed.
Public methodFinishOperationQuantity
Completes an open tracking transaction for a non-serialized (batch-tracked) Batch, given a quantity of units to complete. Any exit conditions will be evaluated and exit actions performed.
Public methodGetBatchWithProcessFlows
Gets the Batch the specified UID is being tracked through as well as the ProcessFlows related to the batch. The returned ProcessFlows do not include any child operations.
Public methodGetNextOperation
Returns the ID of the Operation where a particular unit or material (Item) is expected to be processed next.
Public methodGetNextOperationAndFlow
Returns information about where a particular unit or material (Item) is expected to be processed next.
Public methodGetNextOperations
Returns a list of Operation IDs where a particular unit or material (Item) is expected to be processed next.
Public methodGetOperation
Retrieves the tracking state of the operation and all of its steps, including the activities associated to the steps, for the specified transaction and itemUID.
Public methodGetOperations
Retrieves a list of TrackingOperations belonging to the specified process flow and UID.
Public methodGetOperationsByBatchId
Retrieves a list of TrackingOperations belonging to the specified process flow and batch.
Public methodGetProcessFlows
Gets the ProcessFlows related to the batch the specified UID is currrently being tracked through. The returned ProcessFlows do not include any child operations.
Public methodGetProcessFlowsByBatchId
Gets the ProcessFlows related to the batch the specified UID is currrently being tracked through. The returned ProcessFlows do not include any child operations.
Public methodGetTrackedItemData
Retrieves a paged list of all TrackedDataItems associated with a particular Item, filtered by the types specifed by the flagged enumeration "filters" parameter (TrackedDataItemFilter).
Public methodInitializeMaterial
Initializes a material (Item) into a Batch.
Public methodInitializeMaterials
Initializes multiple new materials (Item) into a Batch. If the batchId is invalid, or any of the UID's specified are not unique, none of the Items will be initialized.
Public methodInitializePanel
Initializes a new panelized printed circuit board (PCB) into the specified Batch. If the PCBCircuitId property aligns with the Id of the PCBCircuit from the ECAD definition, the PCBCircuitItem will be associated to that circuit. If no match is found, the PCBCircuitItem will be associated to the PCBCircuit by matching the CircuitOrder property of the PCBCircuitItem to the CircuitOrder of the PCBCircuit from the ECAD definition.
Public methodInitializeProduct
Initializes a new production unit (Item) into a Batch.
Public methodInitializeProducts
Initializes multiple new production units (Item) into a Batch. If the batchId is invalid, or any of the UID's specified are not unique, none of the Items will be initialized.
Public methodLinkDefectsToSymptom
Links the specified Symptom to the specified Defects.
Public methodLoadCarrier(Guid, Guid, NullableGuid, String)
Loads one or more Items into a carrier.
Public methodLoadCarrier(Guid, Guid, Guid, Guid, Guid, DateTime, Int32, String)
Loads one or more Items into a carrier.
Public methodLoadCarrierPosition
Loads a specific Item into a specific position within a carrier.
Public methodLoadSubAssembly
Loads a particular sub-assembly into a particular parent assembly. If a position is specified, and another assembly is already loaded into that position, the method will not succeed (no exception will be thrown, but return object will indicate the failure).
Public methodLookupOperationByWorkstation
Returns the Id of the best possible next Operation candidate for a unit or material (Item) based on a workstation and side designation. This is typically used for automated (human free) data collection where the a workstation must determine the Operation against which it will record data based on a UID alone.
Public methodPauseOperation
Temporarily pauses a tracking transaction that is in progress (started but not yet finished). The transaction may be re-started at a later time using the StartOperation method.
Public methodPrintLabel
Prints a label to the specified printer using the specified label template, and context information related to the specified transactionId.
Public methodRecordCapturedMaterials
Records a list of materials against
Public methodRecordIndirectTouchTime
Records "indirect" labor (touch) time against a particular Batch (production order). Indirect time is time spent working on the Batch that is not directly related to work on a particular production unit or material (Item).
Public methodRecordNewItemData
Records a collection of new data against an open transaction and its related Item(s). This includes quality, test, and parametric data such as Defects, Symptoms, and Measurements. If the ItemId and/or ItemUID properties of the TrackedDataItem are set to valid values, the TrackedDataItem will be recorded against the specified Item. If these properties are left null and/or blank, then the TrackedDataItem will be recorded against all Items associated with the transaction. If the ItemId and/or ItemUID properties are used, and they represent Items not associated with the specified transaction, the method will fail.
Public methodRecordUpdatedItemData
Records an update to an existing Defect or Symptom. Only certain properties of these objects are updatable, such as Status and Comments. Other TrackedDataItem types may not be updated after they are recorded.
Public methodRemoveAliasUID
Removes an "alias" UID from an existing Item.
Public methodRemoveFromCarrier
Removes a set of specific Items from the specified carrier.
Public methodRemoveFromCarrierByPosition
Removes the Item presently located at a particular position within a carrier.
Public methodReplaceSubAssembly
Replaces the sub-assembly that is presently loaded into a particular position within particular parent assembly with a new sub-assembly.
Public methodStartOperation
Records that work on a particular Item has begun at a particular Operation. Any start actions (Condition) configured for the Operation will be performed. Entry conditions will NOT be evaluated as they are handled by the ValidateOperationStart method.
Public methodStartOperationQuantity
Records that work on a particular quantity of production units or materials has begun at a particular Operation. This method is only applicable to non-serialized (batch-tracked) Batches. Entry conditions will NOT be evaluated as they are handled by the ValidateOperationStart method.
Public methodTrackQuantityThroughOperation
Records that a particular quantity of units or materials has been processed through a particular Operation (non-serialized, unit movement only batch-tracking). Both a "start" and "finish" operation will be performed at once. Any entry and/or exit actions (Condition) configured for the Operation will be performed. Entry conditions will NOT be evaluated as they are handled by the ValidateStartOperationQuantity method. However, exit conditions WILL be evaluated.
Public methodTrackThroughOperation
Records that a particular Item has been processed through a particular Operation (unit movement only tracking). Both a "start" and "finish" operation will be performed at once. Any entry and/or exit actions (Condition) configured for the Operation will be performed. Entry conditions will NOT be evaluated as they are handled by the ValidateStartOperation method. However, exit conditions WILL be evaluated.
Public methodUnlinkDefectsToSymptom
Unlinks the specified Symptom to the specified Defects.
Public methodUnloadCarrier
Unloads ALL items contained within the specified carrier.
Public methodUnloadSubAssembly
Unloads a particular sub-assembly from whichever parent assembly it is presently loaded into.
Public methodValidateOperatorCertification
Validates that a particular operator (User) is certified to perform the given Operation.
Public methodValidateStartOperation
Validates that a production unit or material (Item) is ready to begin the specified Operation. A variety of checks are performed, including route validation, workstation material setup validation, operator certification checks, and Batch status validation. If any of these checks fail, the validation will return details. The workstationId parameter is optional, but material setup validation will only be performed if a valid workstationId is specified. The operatorUserName parameter is also optional, but operator certification validation will only be performed if a valid operatorUserName is supplied. If specified, any entry conditions (Condition) configured for the Operation will be evaluated or performed, and the validation will fail if any of the conditions are violated.
Public methodValidateStartOperationQuantity
Validates that a particular quanity of production units or materials may be started at the specified Operation. This method is only applicable to non-serialized (batch-tracked) Batches. Batch-tracked route validation ensures that the number of units started at a given Operation does not exceed the completed count of the previous Operation. This method will also validate station material setup and operator certifications if the workstationId and/or operatorUserName parameters are supplied. If specified, any entry conditions (Condition) configured for the Operation will be evaluated or performed, and the validation will fail if any of the conditions are violated.
Public methodValidateWorkstationSetup
Validates that a particular Workstation has been properly setup to perform the given Operation. This is otherwise known as material setup validation.
See Also