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TrackingServicesGetBatchWithProcessFlows Method

Gets the Batch the specified UID is being tracked through as well as the ProcessFlows related to the batch. The returned ProcessFlows do not include any child operations.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Production
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public BatchProcessFlowResult GetBatchWithProcessFlows(
	Guid sessionId,
	string UID


Type: SystemGuid
The session identifier that was returned by the Connect(String, String, String, String, String) method.
Type: SystemString
The text-based unique identifier of an Item.

Return Value

Type: BatchProcessFlowResult
The Batch that the Item is currently being tracked through.

Return Value

Type: BatchProcessFlowResult
A collection of ProcessFlows that have been defined for the Item.
InvalidSessionExceptionThrown if the sessionId parameter is invalid.
ItemExceptionThrown if the UID parameter is invalid.
BatchNotFoundExceptionThrown if the batch of the UID cannot be found.
MultipleBatchesFoundExceptionThrown if the UID is a Box or Carrier with UIDs from multiple Batches.
See Also