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WorkOrder Class

An object representing a directive to perform work on the factory floor. Most commonly, Batch objects are used to represent work orders (also known as production orders, manufacturing orders, etc.). In some environments, a single ERP work order is split into several smaller "batches". In this situation, a FactoryLogix Batch represents the indiviudal batches and are many to one with ERP work orders. In this situation, a WorkOrder is used to link the individual Batches together into a single work order.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public class WorkOrder

The WorkOrder type exposes the following members.

Public methodWorkOrder
Initializes a new instance of the WorkOrder class
Public propertyAssociatedBatches
A read-only, enumerable list of the Batches associated to this order.
Public propertyCustomer
The Customer associated with this order.
Public propertyDescription
A human-friendly summary of the nature of this order.
Public propertyExpectedDate
The date/time that the order is expected to be fulfilled.
Public propertyId
A unique identifier for this particular order (corresponds to the primary key in the FactoryLogix database)
Public propertyLineItems
A read-only, enumerable list of the line items associated with this order. Only orders of type ReceivingOrder may contain line items.
Public propertyName
The human-friendly name that operators use to identify this order within the factory. This is also known as the "order number" in many environments.
Public propertyQuantity
The total quantity of items to be produced or received. (accross all Batches).
Public propertySubmittedDate
The date/time that the order was submitted.
Public propertyVendor
The Vendor associated with this order (for receiving type orders).
Public propertyWorkOrderStatus
The current status of the work order.
Public propertyWorkOrderType
The type of kind of this work order.
See Also