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RecordedMaterial Properties

The RecordedMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComputerName
The optional name of the computer that recorded the material trace data.
Public propertyItemId
The Id of the Item representing the raw material to be recorded against a parent transaction. If the material is not known to pre-exist in the system, this property should be left "null", and the NewItem property used instead to create a new Item. If this property is set to a non-null value, the NewItem property may be left as null.
Public propertyLoadOperator
The optional name of the operator who loaded the material at the station.
Public propertyNewAbsoluteQuantity
If non-null, designates the new absolute (total) quantity for the specified material at the completion of this transaction.
Public propertyNewItem
An Item object representing the raw materisl to be recorded against a parent transaction. If ItemId is null, this property will be used to locate a pre-existing material instance with matching UID, Classification, PartNumber, and PartRevision. If a matching item is not found, the system will automatically create a new Item for the material (as long as UID uniqueness is satisfied).
Public propertyPickAttempts
For printed circuit board (PCB) assembly equipment, the total number of pick attempts that where made for this particular material Item, including both successful and unsuccessful attempts.
Public propertyQuantityConsumed
If known, the amount that was consumed from the specified material by this particular transaction.
Public propertyQuantityWasted
If known, the amount that was wasted (consumed but not used) from the specified material by this particular transaction.
Public propertyReferences
For printed circuit board type assemblies (PCB), the component reference designators that are associated with this material (for CRD level traceability, also known as Level 4 traceability).
Public propertySlot
The optional name of the feeder slot/position where the material was loaded. For printed circuit board assembly operations only.
Public propertySubSlot
The optional name of the feeder subslot/subposition where the material was loaded. For printed circuit board assembly operations only.
Public propertySuccessfulPicks
For printed circuit board (PCB) assembly equipment, the total number of successful pick attempts that where made for this particular material Item.
See Also