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ReceivingServicesReceiveMaterials Method

Records a new shipment of material as received in the system. If a material purchase order is specified and is known to the system, the shipment will be recorded against the appropriate line item. If the received part has a defined receiving process, a receiving batch (GRN) will be generated by the system associated to the appropriate receiving process, and returned by this method. If there is no defined receiving process, the return value of the method will be null.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Logistics
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public Batch ReceiveMaterials(
	Guid sessionId,
	ReceivedMaterial material,
	bool allowAlternatePart = false,
	FileContent[] dataFiles = null


Type: SystemGuid
The session identifier that was returned by the Connect(String, String, String, String, String) method.
Type: FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjectsReceivedMaterial
A list of ReceivedMaterial objects providing details for the materials that were received.
allowAlternatePart (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
A boolean flag to verify that the given internal part number is a valid alternate part to the internal part number linked to the purchase order line item.
dataFiles (Optional)
Type: FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjectsFileContent
One of more data files (defined by an FileContent object, containing scans of delivery note papers.

Return Value

Type: Batch
A Batch representing the newly created GRN associated to the receiving process for the received material, or null if the specified material does not have a defined receiving process.
ArgumentExceptionThrown if the material is invalid.
InvalidSessionExceptionThrown if the sessionId parameter is invalid.
NotFoundExceptionThrown if the purchase order number is supplied and not found in the system.
ReceivingExceptionThrown if the one or more of the properties of the specified ReceivedMaterial is invalid. Thrown if there is an error processing the ReceivedMaterial's UnitOfIssue. The ErrorType property of the exception contains details on the nature of the error.
See Also