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StockedPartAssignment Properties

The StockedPartAssignment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoReplensish
A boolean value which determines whether or not this part should be automatically replensished by the system when the quantity falls below the MinimumQuantity threshold. A TransportOrder will be automatically generated by the system in this case to replensish the part from the main stock (or alternate stocks). This promotes and facilitates "pull-based" lean inventory management.
Public propertyMaximumQuantity
The maximum quantity of this part that may be storded at this StockLocation. If an attempt to store more than this amount at the location, the "Move To Stock" operation will fail.
Public propertyMinimumQuantity
The minimum quantity of this part to be stored at this StockLocation. If the AutoReplensish property is "true", then a TransportOrder will be automatically generated by the system if the quantity of parts at this stock location goes below this threshold. This promotes and facilitates "pull-based" lean inventory management.
Public propertyPartId
The Id of the InternalPart that is to be stored at this StockLocation
Public propertyPartNumber
The PartNumber of the InternalPart that is to be stored at this StockLocation
Public propertyPartRevision
The Revision of the InternalPart that is to be stored at this StockLocation
Public propertyUnitOfIssue
The name or abbreviation of the Unit that MinimumQuantity and MaximumQuantity are measured in. The string value of this property must align with one of the pre-configured unit names assigned to this attribute via the unit of measure property in the FactoryLogix configuration.
See Also