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PartServicesSetPartAttributeValue Method

Sets the key values of a particular attribute (specification) for a particular internal part. The nominal, min, and max values may be specified, as well as other settings like the EnforceValue property. If this attribute presently exists for this part, it's values will be updated. Otherwise, the attribute will be added to the part's list of attribute values.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.PartDefinition
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public void SetPartAttributeValue(
	Guid sessionId,
	InternalPart part,
	PartAttributeValue attributeValue


Type: SystemGuid
The session identifier that was returned by the Connect(String, String, String, String, String) method.
Type: FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjectsInternalPart
The InternalPart whose attributes are to be updated. The Id property of this object must be valid.
Type: FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjectsPartAttributeValue
A PartAttributeValue object representing the new attribute values for the part. The Name property of the object must represent a valid, pre-existing attribute name in the system.
InvalidSessionExceptionThrown if the sessionId parameter is invalid.
NotFoundExceptionThe specified part was not found in the system.
UnknownAttributeExceptionThe specified part attribute does not exist in the system.
PartAttributeTypeExceptionThe specified part attribute is not the same as the existing attribute in the system.
PartAttributeListValueExceptionA list value is not defined as an available value to use.
PartAttributeInvalidValueUnitsExceptionThe ValueUnits property is not valid per the AvailableValueUnits list.
See Also