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RequiredSetupItem Properties

The RequiredSetupItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyItemTypeId
The 128-bit unique identifier of an ItemType record in FactoryLogix that represents internal parts and other non internal part items such as tooling.
Public propertyLocations
A list of the locations where this part must be loaded.
Public propertyPartDescription
The description of the InternalPart that is required for this item.
Public propertyPartId
The 128-bit unique identifier of the InternalPart that is required for this item.
Public propertyPartNumber
The internal part number of the InternalPart that is required for this item.
Public propertyPartRevision
The revision of the InternalPart that is required for this item.
Public propertyQuantity
The quantity of parts of this type that will be consumed for each individual production unit processed at this Workstation. This property is optional, any may or may not be configured.
Public propertyReferenceList
For electronic printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, an optional list of the ECAD reference designators that will be associated with (consumed from) this setup item.
Public propertyUnitOfIssue
The name or abbreviation of the Unit that Quantity is measured in. The string value of this property must align with one of the pre-configured unit names assigned to this attribute via the unit of measure property in the FactoryLogix configuration.
See Also