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Measurement Properties

The Measurement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComponentPackage
For electronic printed circuit board (PCB) type assemblies, the package type of the electronic component associated with this measurement.
Public propertyComputerName
The domain name of the computer where the measurement was discovered or otherwise acted upon.
Public propertyMeasurementName
A human-friendly name for this measurement.
Public propertyPartNumber
The internal part number (InternalPart) of the part or component that is associated with this measurement.
Public propertyPin
For electronic printed circuit board (PCB) type assemblies, the connection number of the component pin associated with this measurement.
Public propertyReferenceDesignator
For electronic printed circuit board (PCB) type assemblies, the location designator of the component associated with this measurement.
Public propertySourceMeasurementType
The original type for this measurement, as defined by the machine, tester, or human who performed the test.
Public propertyStatus
An enumerated value describing whether or not the measurement was within acceptable tolerances.
Public propertyStatusComment
Status comment for this measurement
Public propertyType
An enumerated value describing the generalized category for this measurement.
Public propertyUnits
For unit of measure for this measurement.
Public propertyUrl
Url for this measurement
See Also