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OrderLineItem Class

An object representing single part line item on a material purchase order. In FactoryLogix, material purchase orders are represented by WorkOrder objects where the WorkOrderType is of type ReceivingOrder.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public class OrderLineItem

The OrderLineItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodOrderLineItem
Initializes a new instance of the OrderLineItem class
Public propertyComments
A human-friendly summary of the nature of the part that was ordered.
Public propertyExpectedDate
The date/time that the order item is expected to be fulfilled.
Public propertyId
A unique identifier for this particular order line item (corresponds to the primary key in the FactoryLogix database)
Public propertyLineItem
Line item of the work order item
Public propertyOrderedQuantity
The total quantity of the part that was ordered.
Public propertyPartId
The 128-bit unique identifier of the InternalPart associated with this order line item. If this property is populated with a value other than null or Guid.Empty, the PartNumber and PartRevision properties will be ignored during order line item creation or updates.
Public propertyPartNumber
The human-friendly name that operators use to identify this order within the factory. This is also known as the "order number" in many environments.
Public propertyPartRevision
The human-friendly name that operators use to identify this order within the factory. This is also known as the "order number" in many environments.
Public propertyUnitOfIssue
The name or abbreviation of the Unit that OrderedQuantity is measured in. The string value of this property must align with one of the pre-configured unit names assigned to this attribute via the unit of measure property in the FactoryLogix configuration.
See Also