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BatchServicesUpdateWorkOrderLineItems Method

Creates or updates the line items associated with a particular material purchase order (represented by a WorkOrder of type ReceivingOrder). Any existing line items will be deleted when this method is called, and replaced by the specified line items.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.Production
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.API (in FactoryLogix.xTend.API.dll) Version: (
public void UpdateWorkOrderLineItems(
	Guid sessionId,
	Guid orderId,
	OrderLineItem[] lineItems


Type: SystemGuid
The session identifier that was returned by the Connect(String, String, String, String, String) method.
Type: SystemGuid
The 128-bit unique identifier of the WorkOrder (Id property) to which these line items should be applied.
Type: FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjectsOrderLineItem
A list of OrderLineItems to be applied to the WorkOrder
InvalidSessionExceptionThrown if the sessionId parameter is invalid.
WorkOrderNotFoundExceptionA WorkOrder of type Receiving order matching the specified orderId parameter was not found in the system.
WorkOrderLineItemEditExceptionOne or more work order line items cannot be edited due to either changing the part and materials have already been received or the quantity is being changed to be less than what has already been received.
NotFoundExceptionOne or more parts or work order items were not found.
See Also