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ReceivingExceptionReceivingErrorType Enumeration

An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered during receiving.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum ReceivingErrorType
  Member nameValueDescription
InternalPartNotFound0 A part matching the specified internal part and revision does not exist in the system.
MaterialPurchaseOrderNotFound1 The specified material purchase order does not exist in the system.
VendorNotFound2 The specified Vendor does not exist in the system.
GRNInProcess3 When the Batch (GRN) already exists and is in process no more materials can be received.
MissingVendorOnExistingBatch4 When the Batch (GRN) already exists and the receiving Vendor is not defined.
BatchMissingForPurchaseOrder5 When the receiving number matches a purchase order in the system the Batch (GRN) must already exist.
WorkOrderItemNotFound6 A work order item was not found on the purchase order for the part number.
QuantityExceeded7 The receiving quantity exceeded the quantity of the purchase orders's work order item.
InternalPartHasUnitOfIssue8 The specified internal part has a Unit of Issue associated to it and so it cannot be received.
BatchFileItemNotFound9 Provided BatchFileItem ID is not existing in the FactoryLogix DB.
See Also