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ReservationException.ReservationErrorType Enumeration

An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered while reserving materials

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum ReservationErrorType
  Member nameValueDescription
MaterialsAlreadyPicked0 Previously reserved materials have already been picked, swapped, or shorted which prevents any existing reservations from being deleted.
PickingListStrategyNotERP1 The Picking List Strategy global setting is not set to ERP.
BatchAlreadyGrouped2 One or more batches are already grouped with other batches.
BatchPickingListNotFound3 No picking list is associated with the specified batch(es).
DeleteExistingReservationFailed4 Previous material reservations could not be deleted.
MissingParts5 Not enough material available to fulfill the requested material reservation, and allowMissingParts was set to 'false'.
MaterialReservationFailed6 An error was encountered while reserving material.
KitGroupIsScheduled7 One or more of the batch's kit groups have already been scheduled, creating a new reservation would delete that schedule.
TransportOrderFailed8 An error was encountered while creating transport orders.
DestinationResourceDoesNotExist9 No resource with the specified name exists in FactoryLogix.
ReservationNameInUse10 The specified reservation name is already in use.
KitGroupDoesNotExist11 One of the specified PickingListItems references a Kit Group which does not exist in FactoryLogix.
PartDoesNotExist12 One of the specified PickingListItems references a Part Number which does not exist in FactoryLogix.
ReasonCodeDoesNotExist13 The specified ReasonCode does not exist in FactoryLogix.
See Also