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FactoryLogix.xTend Namespace

The FactoryLogix.xTend namespace is the root namespace for the xTend API.
Public classActivityNotFoundException
Thrown when a particular Activity cannot be found in the system.
Public classAegisServices
Provides services specifically intended only for use by Aegis.
Public classAlreadyExistsException
Thrown when a method is called that would create a duplicate of an existing object for a given data type. For example, if a user named "bsmith" already exists and the CreateNewUser method is called to create another "bsmith" account, the AlreadyExistsException" exception would be thrown.
Public classApprovalNotPendingException
Thrown when signing off an approval that is not pending approval. This could signify that the approval is under construction or already approved or rejected.
Public classApprovalNotUnderConstructionException
Thrown when updating an approval to pending and it is not currently under construction.
Public classApprovingOutofOrderException
Thrown when signing off an approval out of order meaning that other user groups must approve first.
Public classAssemblyRevisionLockedForProductionException
Thrown when making changes to an assembly and it is released for production.
Public classBarcodeTemplateValidationException
Thrown when initializing barcodes that fail barcode validation.
Public classBatchException
Thrown when an invalid operation is attempted involving a Batch object.
Public classBatchIsPanelizedException
Thrown when initializing a single barcode in a Batch that is panelized.
Public classBatchNotApprovedException
Thrown when setting a Batch status as Active and the Batch is not approved yet.
Public classBatchNotFoundException
Thrown when and invalid production order number or GRN (batch name) is passed to a method.
Public classBatchNotPanelizedException
Thrown when initializing a panel and the Batch is not related to a panelized assembly.
Public classBOMNotPublishedException
Thrown when releasing a process for production and a related BOM is not published.
Public classBOMPublishingConflictException
Thrown when a conflict occurs which requires user input when attempting to publish a part found on a BOM.
Public classCannotContactServerException
Thrown when the specified xTend API Integration Server cannot be contacted over the network.
Public classCannotDeleteException
Thrown when an item cannot be deleted.
Public classCarrierLoadedException
Thrown when a carrier is being loaded beyond it's capacity.
Public classCertificationNotFoundException
Thrown when the specified operator certification does not exist.
Public classChangeBatchException
Thrown when a ChangeBatch fails.
Public classCheckedOutException
Thrown when changing an item such as a BOM or ECAD and the item is being edited by another user.
Public classCircuitCountException
Thrown when initializing a panel and the number of circuits exceeds the ECAD circuits definition or no circuits are defined for initialization.
Public classConvertAssemblyToPartException
Thrown when an existing Internal Part is already an assembly and trying to update to be a part.
Public classCustomerDoesNotExistsException
Thrown when a Customer does not exists.
Public classDefaultLocationMissingException
Thrown when releasing a process for production and a related BOM is not published.
Public classDuplicateItemException
Thrown when more than one Item exists with the same UID (possible with different ItemClassifications).
Public classInitializationException
Thrown when initializing barcodes fails for reasons other than already exists or already initialized.
Public classInternalPartDoesNotExistException
Thrown when a InternalPart does not exists.
Public classInvalidAlternatePartException
Thrown when an alternate part relationship cannot be created.
Public classInvalidBatchTypeException
Thrown when an associated Batch is not the correct type for the function being performed.
Public classInvalidDatabaseException
Thrown when the xTend API client passes a database connection name to a database that does not known to the server.
Public classInvalidDatabaseVersionException
Thrown when the xTend API client passes a database connection name to a database that is not a valid FactoryLogix version.
Public classInvalidDataTypeException
Thrown when a parameter of type Object cannot be converted to the appropriate data type by the xTend API.
Public classInvalidFileTypesException
Thrown when invalid file types are being imported.
Public classInvalidItemClassificationException
Thrown when an update to a Item is not of the correct ItemClassification.
Public classInvalidItemStatusException
Thrown when an invalid ItemStatus being set.
Public classInvalidParameterException
Thrown when a DataMiner query is passed an invalid Parameter.
Public classInvalidPasswordException
Thrown when the specified password in not valid for the specified user account.
Public classInvalidQuantityVerificationModeException
Thrown when setting or changing the quantity verification mode on a Batch and the mode is not valid for the Batch type.
Public classInvalidSessionException
Thrown when the xTend API client passes an invalid sessionId as part of a method call. The session may have expired, or may simply be invalid..
Public classInvalidSettingValueException
Thrown when a setting is not a valid value.
Public classInvalidSpecificationCategoryException
Thrown when invalid Specification Category.
Public classIPNExceedsLengthLimitException
Thrown when property "PartNumber" has exceeded its maximum allowed length, as specified in the GlobalOptions.
Public classItemException
Thrown when an invalid operation is attempted involving an Item object.
Public classLabelPrintingException
Thrown while printing labels and something is not configured properly such as missing the software required for printing.
Public classLocationNotFoundException
Thrown when a Workstation setup location is not found in the system.
Public classManufacturerDoesNotExistsException
Thrown when a Manufacturer does not exists.
Public classMaterialSetupRequiredException
Thrown when material setup is required to continue processing.
Public classMissingInformationException
Thrown when one or more required properties of an object do not contain information.
Public classMultipleBatchesFoundException
Thrown when there are multiple Batches associated and therefore not known which Batch to use.
Public classMultipleInternalPartsFoundException
Thrown when there are multiple InternalPart found for the part number and therefore not known which InternalPart to use.
Public classNoLicenseException
Thrown when either there is no license to use the xTend API or a license cannot be obtained to perform a function.
Public classNonTrackingException
Thrown when trying to validate or process units or materials at an Operation that is not trackable (view mode).
Public classNotApprovedException
Thrown when approvals have not been signed off.
Public classNotAuthorizedException
Thrown when an API consumer who does not have proper user rights attempts to connect to an xTend API Integration server.
Public classNotFoundException
Thrown when a search type operation is performed, and the requested item is not found in the system.
Public classOpenTransactionException
Thrown when there is an open transaction preventing an action from being performed.
Public classOperationNotFoundException
Thrown when a particular Operation cannot be found in the system.
Public classPackingException
Thrown when an error is encountered while executing a packing transaction.
Public classPartAttributeInvalidValueUnitsException
Thrown when the ValueUnits property of PartAttributeValue is not valid per the AvailableValueUnits property.
Public classPartAttributeListValueException
Thrown when list value does not exist as an available value.
Public classPartAttributeTypeException
Thrown when an existing part attribute type does not match the type being created or updated.
Public classPartUnitOfIssueThresholdException
Thrown when changing a part's Unit of Measure cannot be done because the change would result in a large amount of data being changed. Changing too much data may impact performance of the system. Users who receive this exception and would still like to make the change, please contact Aegis Customer Service.
Public classPathwayException
Thrown when an invalid pathway is specified.
Public classPickListGenerationException
Thrown when releasing a process for production and a picking list could not be generated.
Public classPositionException
Thrown when a position identifier is not specified or is otherwise invalid.
Public classProcessDoesNotExistException
Thrown when a Process does not exists.
Public classProcessFlowNotFoundException
Thrown when a ProcessFlow is not found in the system.
Public classProcessNotReleasedForProductionException
Thrown when a Process is not released for production.
Public classQuantityException
Thrown when a quantity based validation check fails.
Public classReceivingException
Thrown when an attempt to receive materials does not succeed.
Public classRelatedItemException
Thrown when delete type operation is unable to be completed because the object being deleted has relationships to other data objects which are preventing deletion of the object.
Public classRelatedItemTypeException
Thrown when the related part is not a relevant part type for the parent part.
Public classReservationException
Thrown when an attempt to reserve materials does not succeed.
Public classResourceNotFoundException
Thrown when a particular factory resource, such as a Workstation cannot be found in the system.
Public classResourceRequiredException
Thrown when a method requires a resource such as a Workstation.
Public classRoleNotFoundException
Thrown when the specified security role does not exist.
Public classSession
Helper class used to hold SessionId (logon token), making all API calls more convenient for the API programmer.
Public classSettingNotFoundException
Thrown when a setting is not found.
Public classStationSetupException
Thrown when loading or unloading material at a station.
Public classStatusCodeException
Thrown when an invalid status code is specified.
Public classStockLocationDepthLimitException
Thrown when adding stock locations to other stock locations and the depth limit of the stock location tree is exceeded.
Public classStockLocationNotFoundException
Thrown when and invalid stock location code is passed to a method.
Public classStockLocationViolationException
Thrown when an attempt is made to move an item to a stock location that violates configured rules.
Public classTrackedDataItemNotFoundException
Thrown when a particular TrackedDataItem cannot be found by the system.
Public classTrackingCodeNotFoundException
Thrown when an indirect time tracking code is not found in the FactoryLogix database..
Public classTrackingTypeException
Thrown when trying to start units or materials at an Operation that is tracking only and therefore should use the TrackThroughOperation function.
Public classTransactionNotFoundException
Thrown when an open transaction matching the Id passed to a tracking method cannot be found in the system.
Public classTransportOrderException
Thrown when an error is encountered while executing a transport order.
Public classUnitOfIssueException
Thrown when an error is encountered while validating the specified unit of issue.
Public classUnitTransactionsExistException
Thrown when updating an approval to under construction and the related Process already has unit transactions.
Public classUnknownAttributeException
Thrown when a part attribute related method call encounters a problem. See the particular method for details.
Public classUserGroupNotFoundException
Thrown when the specified user group does not exist.
Public classUserNotFoundException
Thrown when the specified user account does not exist.
Public classUserSettingNotAllowedException
Thrown when a setting is not available to be over-riden at the user level.
Public classVendorDoesNotExistsException
Thrown when a Vendor does not exists.
Public classWorkOrderException
Thrown when an invalid operation is attempted involving a Batch object.
Public classWorkOrderLineItemEditException
Thrown when a work order line item cannot be edited..
Public classWorkOrderNotFoundException
Thrown when and invalid production work order or purchase order name is passed to a method.
Public classxTendException
General error exeption thrown when something unexpected occurs in the processing of an API command.
Public classxTendExceptionBase
Represents errors that occure when using the xTend API.
Public classxTendServerConvertedException
Represents an error from the xTend API server with an inner exception to represent the server side error.
Public enumerationPackingExceptionPackingErrorType
An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered while executing a packing transaction.
Public enumerationReceivingExceptionReceivingErrorType
An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered during receiving.
Public enumerationReservationExceptionReservationErrorType
An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered while reserving materials
Public enumerationTransportOrderExceptionTransportOrderErrorType
An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered while executing a transport order.
Public enumerationUnitOfIssueExceptionUnitOfIssueErrorType
An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered while validating a unit of issue.