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PackingExceptionPackingErrorType Enumeration

An enumeration describing the type of error that was encountered while executing a packing transaction.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum PackingErrorType
  Member nameValueDescription
General0 An issue was encountered while executing the specified packing list item. See the Message property for details.
ContainerInvalid1 The specified container UID is not valid for the packing list.
ContainerNotFound2 The specified container UID does not exist in the system.
ItemIncorrect3 The specified Item does not match the UID the picking list item.
ItemNotFound4 The specified Item does not exist in the system.
ItemWrongRevision5 The specified Item is not of the proper revision.
ItemOpenDefects6 The specified Item has open defects, and cannot be packed.
ItemNotCompleted7 The specified Item has not completed its ProcessFlow, and cannot be packed.
ItemFailed8 The specified Item has a FAILED status, and cannot be packed.
See Also