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ItemClassification Enumeration

An enumeration describing the type or kind of an Item.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum ItemClassification
  Member nameValueDescription
Feeder3 The item is a material feeding device which may be loaded on to a robotic surface mount placement machine (SMT Placer).
Assembly10 The item is a part that is built or assembled by the factory. This may be a sub-assembly, or a final product that is shipped to customers or other factories.
Part12 The item is a part or raw material that was purchased or consigned to the factory.
Tooling14 The item is a tool that is used by operators during production.
Carrier18 The item is a container, tote, pallete, cart, bin, or any other type of carrier that is used to hold or transport assembly type units during production.
Box19 The item is a box or carton that production units and other items are packed into for shipment.
Batch22 The item represents a production order (production batch) that is tracked without unit serialization (quantity/batch based tracking).
PCBPanel23 The item represetns a PCB Panel containing one or more child circuits (PCB's).
See Also