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RevisionMode Enumeration

An enumerated value indicating the revisions of the specified part that are permissable to use during production for the assembly associated with this particular Bill of Materials (BOM).

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum RevisionMode
  Member nameValueDescription
UseLatest0 Always use the latest revision of the part (the revision marked as current, or the latest revision if none are marked as current).
UseSpecific1 Use only the part revisions itemized by the RevisionList property.
UseSpecificorNewer2 Use only the part revision specified by the RevisionList property or newer revisions.
UseSpecificorOlder3 Use only the part revision specified by the RevisionList property or older revisions.
UseAny4 Any revision of the part is acceptable for use in production.
See Also