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ReplacementPartType Enumeration

A enumeration representing the type of kind of a ReplacementItem.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum ReplacementPartType
  Member nameValueDescription
Normal0 This is a direct one-to-one replacement of the item with another in-stock item of the same part number.
AlternatePart1 The replacement item has an alternate part number.
ReservedNotTransported2 The replacement item was originally reserved for another order, but has not yet been picked.
ReservedOnShopFloor3 The replacement item was originally reserved for another order, and it presently located on the factory floor.
InTemperingOven4 The replacement item is a moisture sensitive part, and is currently baking in a tempering oven.
InProduction5 The replacment item is currently in use on the production floor by another production order.
InReceiving6 The replacement item is currently undergoing its receiving process (IQC or other receiving operations), and it not yet available, but may be soon.
IncomingPO7 The replacement item has been ordered, but has not yet been received (Required ERP integration).
OnPendingBatch8 The replacement item is currently ...
See Also