ApprovalStatus Enumeration |
An enumeration indicating the current status of an approval item.
FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
Syntax public enum ApprovalStatus
Public Enumeration ApprovalStatus
public enum class ApprovalStatus
| Member name | Value | Description |
| NotSet | -1 |
No status has been set.
| UnderConstruction | 0 |
The item is still being built, and is not yet ready for approval.
| PendingApproval | 1 |
The item is ready to be reviewed.
| Approved | 2 |
The item has been reviewed and approved.
| Rejected | 3 |
The item has been reviewed and rejected.
| Unchanged | 4 |
The item has not been changed since the previous approval process, and need not be reviewed.
See Also