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ProcessActivityType Enumeration

An enumeration indicating the type of an activity.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum ProcessActivityType
  Member nameValueDescription
Standard0 The operator will be given a basic instruction to follow to complete this activity
Installation1 The activity was generated automatically by an automated installation step.
Inspection3 The activity was generated automatically by an automated inspection step.
TextCollection5 The operator will be instructed to enter a text based value to complete this activity.
DateTimeCollection6 The operator will be instructed to enter a date/time value to complete this activity.
DateTimeRangeCollection7 The operator will be instructed to enter a date/time range value to complete this activity.
NumericCollection8 The operator will be instructed to enter a numeric value to complete this activity.
NumericRangeCollection9 The operator will be instructed to enter a numeric range value to complete this activity.
TrueFalseCollection10 The operator will be instructed to enter a boolean (true / false) value to complete this activity.
ListCollection11 The operator will be instructed to select one or more values from a list of pre-defined items to complete this activity.
WebFormCollection12 The operator will be presented with a user-defined web form for this activity.
UploadfileCollection13 The operator will be instructed to upload a data file (picture, document, etc.) to complete this activity.
CaptureSubAssembly14 The operator will be instructed to capture the serial number (UID) of a sub-assembly to complete this activity.
CaptureUnitHousing15 The operator will be instructed to capture the UID of unit housing to complete this activity.
GenerateReport16 The system will generate a report while executing this activity.
PrintLabel17 The system will print a label while executing this activity.
InitializeProduct18 The operator will be instructed to capture the UID of one or more units associated to this production batch while executing this activity with the intention of introducing those unit(s) into the batch.
LoadCarrier19 The operator will be instructed to load units into a carrier yo complete this activity.
CaptureUnitAlias20 The operator will be instructed to capture a UID representing an alias (alternate) identifier for a unit to complete this activity.
CaptureMaterials21 The operator will be instructed to capture the UID of specific raw materials to complete this activity.
PackoutBox22 The operator will be instructed to scan the UID of a box that will be used to pack out units for shipment to complete this activity.
PackoutItem23 The operator will be guided through the process of packing an item or unit into a box for shipment to complete this activity.
LateCircuitSerialization24 The operator will be guided through the process of identifying the serial numbers (UID's) of circuits on a panelized PCB to complete this activity, replacing previously assigned "temporary" identifiers.
AttachFile25 The operator will be instructed to attach a data file (picture, document, etc.) to complete this activity.
MaterialSetup26 The operator will be instructed to load a raw material on to the workstation to complete this activity.
GuidedInspection27 The activity was generated automatically by an automated inspection step, and will visually guide operators though the inspection process.
LabelMaterial28 The system will print a label to be affixed to a raw material while executing this activity.
TakeASample29 The operator will be instructed to identify units or quantity to be sent to sampling.
SerialCommunications30 The operator will be instructed to identify units or quantity to be sent to sampling.
KepwarePLC31 The operator will be instructed to collect measurements by using a Kepware server with connected equipment.
DesoutterWirelessTorqueDriver32 Instructs the user to use the Desoutter Wireless Torque Driver.
AtlasCopcoScrewdriver10000 Instructs the user to use the Altas Copco Screwdriver.
FunctionalTestValidation10001 Instructs the user for functional test input.
SemiDepanelization10002 Instructs the user to partially depanelize.
WonderwareDataHistorian10003 Instructs the user to start wonderware testing.
LabVIEW10005 Instructs the user to use the Desoutter Wireless Torque Driver.
Questionnaire10006 Instructs the user to start Questionnaire.
MaterialPicking10007 Instructs the user to pick materials.
See Also