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BOMIssueType Enumeration

An enumerated value which describes all possible BOM validation problems.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum BOMIssueType
  Member nameValueDescription
Other0 An issue was encountered which cannot be categorized.
MismatchedReferenceToQuantity1 The quantity field of the BOM line item does not match the number of unique component reference designators (CRD)
DuplicateReference2 The line item contains a reference designator that is either duplicated on this line item, or on another line item.
MissingReference3 The line item does not contain any reference designators.
MissingCustomerPartNumbers4 The line item does not reference any customer part numbers.
MissingCustomers5 The line item contains customer part numbers which do not indicate the associated customer.
MissingVendorPartNumbers6 The line item does not reference any vendor part numbers.
MissingVendors7 The line item contains vendor part numbers which do not indicate the associated vendor.
MissingManufacturerPartNumbers8 The line item does not reference any manufacuter part numbers.
MissingManufacturers9 The line item contains manufacturer part numbers which do not indicate the associated manufacturer.
DuplicateLineItem10 There exists two or more line items in the BOM that have identical line item number.
MissingLineItem11 The BOM line item does not have a line item number.
MissingInternalPartNumber12 The line item does not have an internal part number.
UnitDoesNotExist13 The unit of issue specified does not match the name or abbreviation of any units in FactoryLogix.
See Also