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StartValidationResultCode Enumeration

An enumeration describing the detailed results of an Item validation.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum StartValidationResultCode
  Member nameValueDescription
Success0 All checks passed, and the Item may be safely started at the operation.
NotFound1 The specified UID was not found in the system.
NotAllowedAtResource2 The workstation specified is not a valid location to perform this operation.
ItemScrapped3 The specified Item has been scrapped, and may no longer be processed.
InvalidBatchStatus4 The status of the Batch associated with this Item does not permit Items to be processed at this time (on-hold, closed, etc.).
InvalidOperation5 The unit or material (Item) may not be processed at the specified Operation, otherwise known as a route enforcement violation. The Item is expected at a different Operation.
OperatorNotCertified6 The specified operator (User) is not certified to perform the specified Operation.
BatchRejected7 The receiving Batch (GRN) associated with the Item has been rejected, and material may no longer be processed for this Batch.
InvalidQuantity8 For non-serialized (batch-tracked) Batches, the quantity specified exceeds the allowable qunatity for the Operation.
ConditionFailure9 The item was not started because an entry condition was violated.
ConditionFailureReroute10 The item was not started because an entry condition was violated.
RerouteProcessFlowNotReleased11 The items being started are expected in a reroute process flow that is not released for production.
RerouteProcessFlowHasNoTrackedOperations12 The items being started are expected in a reroute process flow that does not have any tracked operations.
OperationFromIncorrectProcessFlow13 The items being started are expected in a different process flow such as the main process flow or a JIT reroute process flow.
ReturnFromRerouteExpectedOperation14 The items being started recently finished a reroute flow and are expected at a different operation.
InvalidBatch15 The unit or material (Item) may not be processed in the specified Batch. The Item is expected in a different Batch.
ItemBlocked16 The unit or material (Item) may not be started because it is currently blocked.
UndefinedError65535 An undefined error has occurred while validating this Item.
See Also