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FinishResultCode Enumeration

An enumeration describing the results of a finish operation method.

Namespace:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects
Assembly:  FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects (in FactoryLogix.xTend.DataObjects.dll) Version: (
public enum FinishResultCode
  Member nameValueDescription
Success0 The item was successfully finished.
AlreadyFinished1 The item cannot be finished because the transaction was already finished by another user or session.
CannotScrap2 The item cannot be finished because a scrap was requested and scrapping is not permitted at this Operation.
ConditionFailure3 The item cannot be finished because an exit condition has been violated.
ProductNotScrapped4 The item could not be scrapped (as requested) by the finish method.
ConditionFailureReroute5 The unit was successfully finished, but an exit condition triggered a re-route.
See Also