| Member name | Value | Description |
| GeneralReportQueryTimeoutSettings_QueryTimeoutType | 0 |
Timeout Type.
Sets whether to use the default or a custom timeout value when when generatiing dataminer outputs before stopping and generating an error.
| GeneralReportQueryTimeoutSettings_CustomValue | 1 |
Custom Value (seconds).
Sets a custom timeout value when generating dataminer outputs before stopping and generating an error.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_References | 2 |
Missing Reference Designators.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_MismatchedReferencesToQuantity | 3 |
Mismatched Reference Count To Quantity.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_MPN | 4 |
Missing Manufacturer Part Numbers.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_Manufacturer | 5 |
Missing Manufacturers.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_CPN | 6 |
Missing Customer Part Numbers.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_Customer | 7 |
Missing Customers.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_DuplicateReferences | 8 |
Duplicate Reference Designators.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_DuplicateLineItems | 9 |
Duplicate Line Item.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_AutoMergeDuplicateLineItems | 10 |
Auto Merge Duplicate Line Items.
BOM Importing - When enabled, Duplicate BOM Line Items with the same Line Item Number will automatically be merged into a single Wild Card BOM Line Item.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_GenericPartBOMLineItemMissingReference | 11 |
Generic Part BOM Line Item Missing Reference.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_Publishing_CreateNewPartRevisionForEachBOM | 12 |
Create New Part Revision for each BOM Occurrence.
When enabled, the Revision strategy will default to 'Create New Revision' for each BOM Line Item.
(Warning - Enabling this option is highly discouraged. Please consult an Aegis Representive if you feel you need this option enabled.)
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_MissingLineItem | 13 |
Missing Line Item.
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process.
| BOMManagement_TreatPartNumbersAsElectricalbyDefault | 14 |
Treat part numbers as Electrical (or Generic).
During BOM Import all part numbers are treated as Electrical or Generic.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AltIPNStrategy | 15 |
Alternate IPN Strategy.
• Maintain a Global Part Master Alt IPN for Each Part Number (IPN)
o If this option is enabled all imported Alt IPNs will be merged with the existing Global Alt IPNs. The Global Alt IPNs is the IPN-Alt IPN relationship in the Part Master Library.
• Maintain BOM Level Alt IPN for Each Part Number (IPN)
o Alt IPN is created against the BOM Line Item associated to each part number.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AMLStrategy | 16 |
AML Strategy.
• Maintain a Global Part Master AML for Each Part Number (IPN)
o The supplied AML is used only for part matching. The user will need to enable the ‘Automatically merge AML’s from imported BOMs’ to add imported AML to the Global AML.
• Maintain BOM Level AML for Each Part Number (IPN)
o AML is created against the BOM Line Item associated to each part number.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AMLStrategy_AutoMergeImportedAML | 17 |
Automatically merge AML's from Imported BOMs.
If this option is enabled all imported AML will be merged with the existing Global AML. The Global AML is the IPN-MPN relationships in the Part Master Library.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_IPN | 18 |
Internal Part Number (IPN) Synchronization.
This option will determine the Part Master Synchronization process during BOM Publishing.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync__PartMaster_IPNRelationships | 19 |
Internal Part Number (IPN) Relationship Synchronization.
This option will determine the Part Master Synchronization process during BOM Publishing.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_MPN | 20 |
Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) Synchronization.
This option will determine the Part Master Synchronization process during BOM Publishing.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_CPN | 21 |
Customer Part Number (CPN) Synchronization.
This option will determine the Part Master Synchronization process during BOM Publishing.
| BOMManagement_AutoPublish | 22 |
Auto-Publish BOM (No errors).
This will auto-publish a BOM if it imports without errors.
| BOMManagement_Comparison_Reference | 23 |
BOM Comparison – Reference Options.
These options are the default Reference comparison options for the BOM Comparison area.
| BOMManagement_Comparison_Part | 24 |
BOM Comparison – Part Options.
These options are the default Part Number comparison options for the BOM Comparison area.
| BOMManagement_Comparison_IncludeQuantity | 25 |
BOM Comparison – Include Quantity.
The ‘include quantity’ checkbox includes quantity comparisons in the BOM Comparison area.
| BOMManagement_Comparison_Include_Revision_Info | 26 |
BOM Comparison – Include Revision Information.
The ‘include revision information’ checkbox will take into account the BOM revision methods when running a part number comparison,
for example the “Use Latest”, Use Specific” options.
| BOMManagement_Comparison_Include_MovedLine | 27 |
BOM Comparison – Include Moved Line Items.
The ‘include moved line items’ checkbox will show any items that have moved (ie: different line items) in the BOM Comparison.
| BOMManagement_Comparison_Include_Unique_Parts | 28 |
BOM Common Parts – Include Unique Parts.
The ‘include unique parts’ option will include line items for each unique part in addition to the common parts in the BOM Common parts area.
| ECADManagement_GerberToFootprintMatchingTolerance | 29 |
Gerber Footprint Matching Tolerance.
The tolerance(thousandths of an inch) to use when matching the users selections to existing footprints while digitizing Gerber data.
| ECADManagement_GerberAutoGenerateFootprintNames | 30 |
Automatically Generate Footprint Names.
Whether to automatically generate names for newly create footprints.
| ECADManagement_ECADNoPopColor | 31 |
Not Populated Color.
The Color to apply to ecad components that do not have a part number associated to them.
| ECADManagement_ECADBackgroundColor | 32 |
Default Background Color.
Specifies the fill color of the board.
| ECADManagement_TopSolderLayerColor | 33 |
Default Top Solder Layer Color.
Specifies the Top Solder Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_TopInstallLayerColor | 34 |
Default Top Install Layer Color.
Specifies the Top Install Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_TopGlueLayerColor | 35 |
Default Top Glue Layer Color.
Specifies the Top Glue Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_TopSilkScreenLayerColor | 36 |
Default Top SilkScreen Layer Color.
Specifies the Top SilkScreen Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_TopMaskLayerColor | 37 |
Default Top Mask Layer Color.
Specifies the Top Mask Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_TopPasteLayerColor | 38 |
Default Top Paste Layer Color.
Specifies the Top Paste Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_BottomSolderLayerColor | 39 |
Default Bottom Solder Layer Color.
Specifies the Bottom Solder Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_BottomInstallLayerColor | 40 |
Default Bottom Install Layer Color.
Specifies the Bottom Install Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_BottomGlueLayerColor | 41 |
Default Bottom Glue Layer Color.
Specifies the Bottom Glue Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_BottomSilkScreenLayerColor | 42 |
Default Bottom Silkscreen Layer Color.
Specifies the Bottom SilkScreen Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_BottomMaskLayerColor | 43 |
Default Bottom Mask Layer Color.
Specifies the Bottom Mask Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_BottomPasteLayerColor | 44 |
Default Bottom Paste Layer Color.
Specifies the Bottom Paste Layer color for Gerber and Electricals.
| ECADManagement_SelectionToolColor | 45 |
Default Selection Tool Color.
Specifies the selection tool color.
| ECADManagement_PinOneColor | 46 |
Default Pin One Color.
Specifies the pin one color.
| ProcessPlanning_CustomAssembliesDirectory | 47 |
Custom Conditions and Actions Directory.
The directory that the custom conditions and actions assemblies are read from.
| ProcessPlanning_UseCustomLibrary | 48 |
Use Custom Conditions and Actions Library.
Determines whether the Conditions and Actions control uses the user defined Condition and Action Tool Library.
| ProcessPlanning_RequireApprovalToRelease | 49 |
Require Approval to Release to Production.
Specifies whether or not a Process must go through an approval process before it is released to production.
| ProcessPlanning_ApprovingProcessApprovesAllChildren | 50 |
Cascading Process Approvals.
Specifies whether or not setting a Process to Approved will also cascade down the approval for all points which the user is a member of.
| ProcessPlanning_WarnMaterialsAssignedMultipleOperations | 51 |
Show A Warning When the same Reference is Assigned to Multiple Operations.
Specifies whether or not to warn when material items are assigned to more than one operation.
| ProcessPlanning_AllowMultipleInstallationMaterialAssignments | 52 |
Allow Part Assignments to Multiple Operations.
Specifies whether or not to allow part assignments to multiple installation type process steps.
| ProcessPlanning_ShowEntireBOMForMaterialAssignments | 53 |
Show Entire BOM When Making Part Assingments from Within an Operation.
Specifies whether or not to show the entire BOM for material assignments.
| ProcessPlanning_RemoveMaterialsMode | 54 |
Activity Part Assignment Removal Behavior.
By default removing materials at the activity level does not affect assigned materials at the operation level.
When this option is set to 'Removing part assignment from activities removes operation assignments', materials at the operation level are removed when they no longer correspond to any materials at the activity level.
| ProcessPlanning_OperationAllowScrap | 55 |
New Operations Allow Scrap by Default.
Specifies whether or not a user can scrap a product while finishing an operation on the shop floor.
| ProcessPlanning_PromptCheckinOnSelfCheckedout | 56 |
Prompt for Checkin on Self Checked Out.
Specifies whether or not to prompt to check in an item that the user already has checked out when attempting to check out a conflicting item.
| ShopFloor_DefectCollectionAlwaysPromptCircuitSelection | 57 |
Always Prompt Circuit Board Chooser.
Whether or not to always prompt the circuit board selection dialog when collecting defects against a panelized assembly.
| ShopFloor_RequireResources | 58 |
Require Resources.
Specifies whether or not assigned resources are required to select an Operation and Batch.
| ShopFloor_AllowAutoBatchSwitch | 59 |
Allow Automatic Batch Switching.
Specifies whether or not to automatically switch current batch to product inventory batch.
| ShopFloor_AllowAutoOperationSwitch | 60 |
Allow Automatic Operations Switching.
Specifies whether or not to prompt userto automatically switch current operation to product inventory operation.
| ShopFloor_AlwaysPromptForBatchSelection | 61 |
Always Prompt For Batch Selection,
Specifies whether or not to always prompt user to select batch from multiple batches.
| ShopFloor_StartBarcodeFromHomeScreen | 62 |
Start Barcode from Home Screen.
Specifies whether or not to open the Batch and the expected Operation and start the barcode that was entered or scanned.
When set to false the Batch and expected Operation is loaded but the barcode is not started.
| ShopFloor_InfoIcon | 63 |
Information - Icon.
Specifies the icon that is displayed when an information message is shown.
| ShopFloor_WarningIcon | 64 |
Warning - Icon.
Specifies the icon that is displayed when an warning message is shown.
| ShopFloor_ErrorIcon | 65 |
Error - Icon.
Specifies the icon that is displayed when an error message is shown.
| ShopFloor_AlertIcon | 66 |
Alert - Icon.
Specifies the icon that is displayed when an alert message is shown.
| ShopFloor_MessageIcon | 67 |
Message - Icon.
Specifies the icon that is displayed when an message is shown.
| ShopFloor_InfoConfirmation | 68 |
Information - Confirmation.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when the information message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_WarningConfirmation | 69 |
Warning - Confirmation.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when the warning message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_ErrorConfirmation | 70 |
Error - Confirmation.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when the error message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_AlertConfirmation | 71 |
Alert - Confirmation.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when the alert message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_MessageConfirmation | 72 |
Message - Confirmation.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when the message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_InfoDelay | 73 |
Information - Delay.
Specifies the delay of how long the information message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_WarningDelay | 74 |
Warning - Delay.
Specifies the delay of how long the warning message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_ErrorDelay | 75 |
Error - Delay.
Specifies the delay of how long the error message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_MessageDelay | 76 |
Message - Delay.
Specifies the delay of how long the message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_AlertDelay | 77 |
Alert - Delay.
Specifies the delay of how long the alert message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_AdminOverrideDelay | 78 |
Admin Override - Delay
Specifies the delay of how long the admin override message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_InfoSoundsEnabled | 79 |
Information - Sound Enabled.
Specifies whether sounds are enabled when the information message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_WarningSoundsEnabled | 80 |
Warning - Sound Enabled.
Specifies whether sounds are enabled when the warning message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_ErrorSoundsEnabled | 81 |
Error - Sound Enabled.
Specifies whether sounds are enabled when the error message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_MessageSoundsEnabled | 82 |
Message - Sound Enabled.
Specifies whether sounds are enabled when the message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_AlertSoundsEnabled | 83 |
Alert - Sound Enabled.
Specifies whether sounds are enabled when the alert message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_InfoSounds | 84 |
Information - Sound.
Specifies the sound that is played when the information message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_WarningSounds | 85 |
Warning - Sound.
Specifies the sound that is played when the warning message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_ErrorSounds | 86 |
Error - Sound.
Specifies the sound that is played when the error message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_MessageSounds | 87 |
Message - Sound.
Specifies the sound that is played when the message is displayed.
| ShopFloor_AlertSounds | 88 |
Alert - Sound.
Specifies the sound that is played when the alert message is displayed.
| RealTimeAnalysis_EnableConnection | 89 |
Enable Real-Time Analysis Engine Connection.
Specifies whether to connect and use a Real-Time Analysis Engine to process data.
| RealTimeAnalysis_ServerName | 90 |
Server Name.
The computer name that is hosting the Real-Time Analysis service.
| RealTimeAnalysis_ServerPort | 91 |
Server Port
The port used to connect to the Real-Time Analysis service. The port is a value between 1024 and 65535. The default port is {0}.
| ShopFloor_ActivityOverrideLabelTemplate | 92 |
Ability to Override Label Template Printer.
Specifies whether or not users on the shop floor have the ability to override what printer will be used to print a label template.
| ShopFloor_ActivityPrintPackoutLabelOnBoxCompletion | 93 |
Automatically print packout label on box completion.
| General_SMTPServer | 94 |
SMTP Server.
Specifies the SMTP server to use when sending e-mails.
| General_EmailAddress | 95 |
E-mail Address.
Specifies the default e-mail address to use when sending e-mails.
| LicenseServer_Name | 96 |
Primary License Server Name.
This value should be set if the License Enforcement Key is not located on the same server as the Application Service. If they are on the same computer, this value is not needed.
| ActiveDirectory_AdminUserName | 97 |
Directory Lookup Username (optional).
Certain Active Directory systems do not allow users to have 'directory lookup' privileges. In these systems, a proxy username and password are required.
| ActiveDirectory_AdminPassword | 98 |
Directory Lookup Password (optional).
Certain Active Directory systems do not allow users to have 'directory lookup' privileges. In these systems, a proxy username and password are required.
| ActiveDirectory_DomainName | 99 |
Active Directory Domain (optional).
A number of networks utilize more then one domain. In these cases, this value will be the domain name of the Active Directory server. Most systems do not need to have this value filled out.
| DiplanTraceImport_TraceFileLocation | 100 |
Import Trace Files Location.
The location to read the SMT Line Management trace files for product tracking and material placement processing.
| DiplanTraceImport_DeleteProcessedFile | 101 |
Delete trace files after they have been processed.
| DiplanTraceImport_DeleteProcessedFileDays | 102 |
Delete Processed Trace Files Delay.
The number of days to wait to delete processed trace files. Set to zero to delete immediately after processing. This is only applicable when the "Delete Processed Trace Files" option is true.
| diplanTraceImport_GlobalOptionsManager_DiplanSideSelectionMode | 103 |
Use the Side XML tag to determine side.
True (Default) - This Option will use the Side XML tag to determine the side else the Job XML tag will be used for the side information.
| General_EmailPassword | 104 |
E-mail Password.
Specifies the e-mail password to use when sending e-mails.
| General_EmailUsername | 105 |
E-mail Username.
Specifies the e-mail username to use when sending e-mails.
| General_DefaultFont | 106 |
Default Font.
The default Font that is used.
| ProjectScheduling_Enable | 107 |
Enable Taskflow System.
This option enables the use of the Taskflow system. When set to true, the system is visible to users, when set to false the taskflow system is hidden.
| ProcessPlanning_enforceQuantityOnActivityAssignments | 108 |
Enforce Quantity On Activity Assignments
| ActiveDirectory_UseSSL | 109 |
Use SSL.
If checked, when validating Active Directory the system will use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This requires your Active Directory server to have SSL enabled.
| User_allowChangePassword | 110 |
Allow changing of Password.
Set true to allow the user to change their password from the Main Login Screen (Click Settings button).
| ECADManagement_GerberConsolidationMode | 111 |
Pads Consolidation Mode.
The methodology to use when consolidating pads in Gerber.
Grouping - Photoplot chunks are grouped under the hood. No visual changes but possible performance loss once digitized.
Rectangle - Photoplot chunks that would normally be grouped are converted into a single Flash. Photoplot will change visually but performance will be better.
| General_BarcodeScanning_Prefix | 112 |
Barcode Scanning Prefix.
The set of character(s) that are either at the start or end of a barcode scan. This can be a combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, and Decimal Characters. We support any decimal characters by the following method '<##>'.
The < symbol indicates the start of a Decimal character. The ## is the actual Decimal number of the character. The symbol > is indicating the end of the Decimal character. Note that all Decimal numbers will be translated to its Hexadecimal equivalent. We support a pre-defined list that you can add by clicking the 'Add' button.
| General_BarcodeScanning_Suffix | 113 |
Barcode Scanning Suffix
The set of character(s) that are either at the start or end of a barcode scan. This can be a combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, and Decimal Characters. We support any decimal characters by the following method '<##>'.
The < symbol indicates the start of a Decimal character. The ## is the actual Decimal number of the character. The symbol > is indicating the end of the Decimal character. Note that all Decimal numbers will be translated to its Hexadecimal equivalent. We support a pre-defined list that you can add by clicking the 'Add' button.
| Logistics_AutoCloseOrder | 114 |
Automatically close a material purchase order when all material is received.
If this option is set to true, the system will automatically set the status of a material purchase order to closed when all of the material associated to the line items have been received. If set to false, the material purchase orders will remain open and a user will have to manually change the status, if desired.
| Logistics_GRNCreation | 115 |
GRN Creation.
This option is used to specify whether GRN creation is coming from an xTend Integration Module or if it will be created manually through the Purchase Order Management and Accept Materials areas of FactoryLogix.
| Logistics_StockSuggestion | 116 |
Stock Suggestion
Enables the suggesting of stock locations. When turned on, the user will ONLY be able to move product to the suggested stock location, unless the user has the suggested stock override permission.
| Logistics_DefaultStockResource | 117 |
Stock Suggestion
Provides a list of Stock Resources to be used with Suggested Stock Location.
| Logistics_AutoOpenClosePackage | 118 |
Automatically re-open previously opened MSD parts that are removed from dry storage.
If this option is set to true, the system will automatically open / close MSD Material when it is removed from / sent to stock. If set to false, the user will have to run the open / close Material function manually as it fits into the process workflow.
| Logistics_EnforceFIFO | 119 |
Enforce FIFO (First In / First Out) Rules when removing material from stock.
When this option is set, the system will force the first in inventory to be used. This can be overridden by an administrator.
| Legacy_Version7DSN | 120 |
The DSN of a Version 7 database.
Setting this option will enable the ability to import legacy assemblies, process revisions, and visual aids.
| Legacy_Version7Authenication | 121 |
Database Authentication.
The authentication type to connect a Version 7 database. Setting this option will enable the ability to import legacy assemblies, process revisions, and visual aids.
| Legacy_Version7Username | 122 |
Database Username.
The username to connect a Version 7 database. Setting this option will enable the ability to import legacy assemblies, process revisions, and visual aids.
| Legacy_Version7Password | 123 |
Database Password.
The password to connect a Version 7 database. Setting this option will enable the ability to import legacy assemblies, process revisions, and visual aids.
| Legacy_Version7ImportCPFFiles | 124 |
Enable CPF File Import.
Whether or not enabling the import of CPF files from Verion 7 database.
| ShopFloor_TraceRouteHistoryIncludeActivityDetail | 125 |
Include Activity Detail in Route History.
Whether or not to include activity transaction details with the route transaction information.
| ShopFloor_UseBatchScheduling | 126 |
Use Batch Scheduling.
Whether or not to use the Batch Scheduling system. If set to false Batches will use the Priority system.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_VPN | 127 |
Missing Vendor Part Numbers.
If this option is enabled all imported AVL will be merged with the existing Global AVL. The Global AVL is the IPN-VPN relationships in the Part Master Library.
| BOMManagement_ErrorChecking_Vendor | 128 |
Missing Vendors
BOM Formatting - When enabled, Errors of this type will prevent the BOM publishing process..
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AVLStrategy | 129 |
AVL Strategy.
• Maintain a Global Part Master AVL for Each Part Number (IPN)
o The supplied AVL is used only for part matching. The user will need to enable the ‘Automatically merge AVL’s from imported BOMs’ to add imported AVL to the Global AVL.
• Maintain BOM Level AVL for Each Part Number (IPN)
o AVL is created against the BOM Line Item associated to each part number.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_AVLStrategy_AutoMergeImportedAVL | 130 |
Automatically merge AVL's from Imported BOMs.
If this option is enabled all imported AVL will be merged with the existing Global AVL. The Global AVL is the IPN-VPN relationships in the Part Master Library.
| BOMManagement_PublishingSync_PartMaster_VPN | 131 |
Vendor Part Number (VPN) Synchronization.
This option will determine the Part Master Synchronization process during BOM Publishing.
| ECADManagement_DisplayUnits | 132 |
ECAD Display Units.
Determines how the location information of ECAD items are displayed to the user.
| ProcessPlanning_AutoRouteMaterials | 133 |
Auto Route Materials.
Automatically assign materials to Operations.
| ECADManagement_UpdateFootprintsOnImport | 134 |
Update Footprints from library when importing ECAD.
Determines whether to automatically replace ECAD Footprints with Library Footprints matched by name when importing ECAD.
| MachineProgramming_DefaultProgramPath | 135 |
Default Program Path.
The default program path to apply when selecting a Machine Type for a Workstation or Workstation Cluster. This would only apply when a Machine Type had not been set previously.
| GeneralEmailEnableSSL | 136 |
Enable SSL .
Enable SSL if using encryption on exchange server (Default Option is False).
| GeneralEmailPortNumber | 137 |
Port Settings.
Port settings are defaulted to port 25. If Value is changed then this port will be used to replace default value.
| ProductionPlanning_ReservationRecalculation | 138 |
Reservation Recalculation.
Reservation recalculations are Fixed or Re-Plannable. If a material planner changes a schedule with Reservations it will check to see if the reservation needs to be recalculated based upon this option. If Re-Plan is selected the reservation will be recalculated if the current reservation has a missing parts and will regenerate the reservation to see if those parts are available. (Can be overridden on the Line in the Factory Resources area).
| ProductionPlanning_ReservationType | 139 |
Default Reservation Type.
The default way in which materials are reserved. This option can be overridden on the Part in the part master area. UID and Quantity basesd reservations adhere to the material sorting mode defined in the Reservation Strategy global option.
UID - entire UID is reserved regardless of the quantity required. This is useful for parts that are not easily divided into smaller quantities (ex: surface mount reels).
Quantity - exact quantity of material is reserved independent of UID quantities. This is useful for bulk items where an exact quantity of material is issued during kitting.
Flexible UID - random UIDs are reserved during planning, but operators are free to choose any UID while picking material. This is useful for situations where UID quantity is always 1, FIFO is unimportant, and locating individual UIDs is difficult for operators.
| ProductionPlanning_QuantityValidation | 140 |
Quantity Validation.
Validate Quantity while picking bulk items.
| ProductionPlanning_PickListStrategy | 141 |
Picking List Strategy.
Picking Lists generated for material reservations are based off of BOP, Assignments, Machine Programming, or ERP.
| ProductionPlanning_AutoResolveAltParts | 142 |
Auto Resolve Alternate Part.
True / False – true is the default. When set, the system will automatically use the first available alternate IPN ordered by the precedence. If not set, the user will have the ability to choose the first alternate ordered by the precedence.
| ProductionPlanning_TOrderDeliveryStatus | 143 |
Transport Order Delivery Status.
The user must acknowledge a transport order has been delivered or it will automatically be done when the last item is picked on the order.
| ProductionPlanning_ReservationStrategy | 144 |
Reservation Strategy.
The strategy that will be used by the material reservation engine. FIFO will ensure that FIFO will be enforced regardless of where the material is located. Location and FIFO will make exceptions when the material is closer to where the material will be used.
| ProductionPlanning_EnforceAML | 145 |
Enforce AML.
True / False – false is the default. When set the system will force the user to choose from the Approved MPN list. When set to false the user can still pull from any of the MPNs.
| ProductionPlanning_TOrderExecutionType | 146 |
Default Transport Order Execution Type.
Specifies how FactoryLogix will determine the time to activate transport orders by default.
Now - transport orders are activated as soon as they are created.
Duration - transport orders are activated a set time frame before a batch's scheduled start time. See also the following other options: Default Transport Order Execution Duration and Default Transport Order Execution Duration Units.
| ProductionPlanning_TOrderExecutionDuration | 147 |
Default Transport Order Execution Duration.
When Default Transport Order Execution Type is set to Duration, this option sets the amount of time prior to the scheduled start time of the batch when transport orders will become visible to stock room operators. The units for this option are determined by the configured Default Transport Order Execution Duration Units option.
| ProductionPlanning_TOrderExecutionDurationUnits | 148 |
Default Transport Order Execution Duration Units.
When Default Transport Order Execution Type is set to Duration, this option determines the units of time used by the Default Transport Order Execution Duration option.
| ProductionPlanning_MaterialRequisitionMode | 149 |
Material Requisition Mode.
Determines how the Material Requisition Gadget behaves on the Shop Floor.
| ShopFloor_ActivityPackoutXMLExportLocation | 150 |
Packout XML Export Location.
The Windows file location where to export the 'Packout XML'.
| ProductionPlanning_AutoConfirmReservations | 151 |
Auto Confirmation of Reservations.
Do not require user to confirm material reservations.
| Logistics_EnforceStockLocationPartAssignements | 152 |
Enforce Stock Location Part Assignments.
When set, this option will only allow parts to be stored in their assigned stock locations. If the end user attempts to store a part in a stock location that is not assigned for that part, the user will get an error.
| Logistics_InStock_SelectedCulture | 153 |
Preferred language of the inStock user interface.
Specifies the preferred language of the inStock user interface.
| Logistics_InStock_AutoConfirmRemove | 154 |
User must confirm the removal of material from stock.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when a UID is removed from the storage.
| Logistics_InStock_AutoConfirmMove | 155 |
User must confirm the moving of material into stock.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when a UID is moved into the storage.
| Logistics_InStock_AutoConfirmSplice | 156 |
User must confirm the splicing of materials.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when coupling a pair of UID (reels).
| Logistics_InStock_AutoConfirmPicking | 157 |
User must confirm the picking of material during transport order execution.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when a UID has been picked during transport order execution.
| Logistics_InStock_AutoPrintLabelSplit | 158 |
User must confirm the print-out of a label when splitting material.
Specifies whether a confirmation is required when a label will be printed for a newly created UID.
| ShopFloor_NonSerializedOnStart | 159 |
Allow entering of the quantity of Non-serialized batches on the Start.
When set to 'True, the user must enter the quantity of a non-serialized batch at the 'Start' of the operation. When set to 'False', the user must enter the quantity on the 'Finish' of the operation.
| General_DefaultEmailAccount | 160 |
System Administrator E-mail Address.
The recipient specified in this option will receive all IT related notification e-mails. This includes license server failover notifications and other IT related FactoryLogix messages.
| General_SendEmailFrom | 161 |
Send E-mail Address Category.
This option is applied to ‘signoff’ notifications only.
‘Use Default’ category means that e-mail will be sent from the ‘User’ e-mail address (if defined) or from Global Options->‘E-mail Address’.
‘Use Global E-mail Address Always’ category means that e-mail will be sent from the ‘Global Options->‘E-mail Address’
| ShopFloor_ShowUnActivatedBatchesInSchedule | 162 |
Allow Selecting of Un-Activated Batches.
When set to true, in the Schedule View of the Batch Selector, the user can select batches that are not Activated yet. If set to false, the batches are shown, but not selectable.
| ProductionPlanning_EnforceAVL | 163 |
Enforce AVL.
True / False – false is the default. When set the system will force the user to choose from the Approved MPN list. When set to false the user can still pull from any of the MPNs.
| ProcessPlanning_EmailTemplateTaskAssigned | 164 |
Email Template – Task Assigned.
The email template that should be used when a task is first assigned to a FactoryLogix operator, or operators. By default no value shall be identified.
| ProcessPlanning_EmailTemplateTaskActivated | 165 |
Email Template – Task Activated.
The email template that should be used when a task becomes “active”, which occurs when all tasks of a given sequence number value are completed and a task with the next sequence number exist. By default no value shall be identified.
| General_DefaultPageSize | 166 |
Default Page Size.
This value sets the default value for all of the paging controls in the system.
| ShopFloor_AutoLogoutTimeLimit | 167 |
Idle Time Limit.
When the Idle Time Limit value (in minutes) is set to zero the auto-logout feature shall not be enabled.
| ShopFloor_AutoLogoutMessageDuration | 168 |
Message Duration.
Message Duration value (in seconds) shall be any integer value between 30 and 3,600 (1 hour) with the default being 30 seconds.
| Logistics_InStock_BarcodeScanning_Prefix | 169 |
Mobile Logistics Barcode scanning Prefix.
The set of character(s) that are either at the start or end of a barcode scan.
This can be a combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, and Decimal Characters.
We support any decimal characters by the following method '<##>'.
The < symbol indicates the start of a Decimal character. The ## is the actual Decimal number of the character.
The symbol > is indicating the end of the Decimal character.
Note that all Decimal numbers will be translated to its Hexadecimal equivalent.
We support a pre-defined list that you can add by clicking the 'Add' button.
| Logistics_InStock_BarcodeScanning_Suffix | 170 |
Mobile Logistics Barcode scanning Suffix.
The set of character(s) that are either at the start or end of a barcode scan.
This can be a combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, and Decimal Characters.
We support any decimal characters by the following method '<##>'.
The < symbol indicates the start of a Decimal character. The ## is the actual Decimal number of the character.
The symbol > is indicating the end of the Decimal character.
Note that all Decimal numbers will be translated to its Hexadecimal equivalent.
We support a pre-defined list that you can add by clicking the 'Add' button.
| ShopFloor_ChangeProductRevision | 171 |
Change Product Revision When Changing Product.
When set to true, during Change Product a UID's product revision will be changed to match
the product revision of the assembly it has been changed to.
When set to false the UID's product revision will not be changed.
| ShopFloor_PreventAnOperatorFixingAndClosingaDefect | 172 |
Prevent an Operator Fixing and Closing a Defect.
When this option is set, the system will restrict a user from closing a defect that they fixed.
| ShopFloor_PreventClosingaDefectUntilFixed | 173 |
Prevent Closing a Defect until Defect has been Fixed.
When this option is set, the system requires a defect to have the status of Fixed in order for the status to be set to Closed.
| ShopFloor_RouteCompleted | 174 |
Ensure Route Completed When Changing Product.
When set to true, only units, which have completed all operations in their current process,
shall be allowed to change to the next batch or assembly.
When set to false no check is done.
| ShopFloor_UnitwithNoDefects | 175 |
Ensure All Defects Fixed Or Closed.
When set to true, restrict product change to units without any open defects
When set to false no check is done.
| ShopFloor_UnitStatusPassed | 176 |
Ensure Status Is Passed.
When set to true, the overall unit status must be "Passed" in order to change product
When set to false no check is done.
| Shopfloor_AllowZeroQuantityForNonSerializedBatches | 177 |
Allow zero quantity for non-serialized batches
When set to true, the OK button will be allowed to be enabled for quantity of zero for non-serialized batches.
When set to false no check is done.
| MaxStoredImageDimension | 178 |
Sets the maximum width of any image added to a work instruction.
When an image is wider than this value the image will be resized down to the width of this setting.
The default value is 800 and the maximum is 3840 (4K width).
| AllowPrintingMultipleLabels | 179 |
Allow multiple label to be printed
When set to true, the Copies section will show and allow copies.
When set to false hides this section.
| General_DefaultCulture | 180 |
Determines the default culture for FactoryLogix.
This will primarily affect display language, but it also
affects some other items such as how dates are formatted.
| General_DefaultTouchScreen | 181 |
Default Font.
The default to allow touch screen usage.